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This database contains 384 studies, archived under the term: "Other"

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Patterns of cognitive decline, conversion rates, and predictive validity for 3 models of MCI

Our objective was to compare the predictive ability of different models of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) as a marker of incipient dementia in a longitudinal population-based Canadian sample. We examined the use of existing, well-documented MCI criteria using data from persons who underwent a clinical examination in the second wave of the Canadian Study of […]

Prospective flutemetamol positron emission tomography and histopathology in normal pressure hydrocephalus

Unlabelled: BACKGOUND/OBJECTIVE: To determine the level of association between uptake of the amyloid positron emission tomography (PET) imaging agent [(18)F]flutemetamol and the level of amyloid-β measured by immunohistochemical and histochemical staining in a frontal cortical region biopsy site.; Methods: Seventeen patients with probable normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) underwent prospective [(18)F]flutemetamol PET and subsequent frontal cortical […]

Galantamine treatment in outpatients with mild Alzheimer’s disease

Objective: To assess long-term effectiveness of galantamine in community-dwelling persons with mild Alzheimer’s disease.; Methods: Prospective open-label trial including patients with mild AD (NINCDS-ADRDA criteria) treated with galantamine for up to 36 months. Outcome parameters included ADAS-cog/11, Bayer-ADL scale (self- and caregivers’ ratings), 10-item NPI and CGI-change, safety and tolerability measures. Data are presented based […]

Application of immunosignatures to the assessment of Alzheimer’s disease

Objective: Accurate assessment of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), both presymptomatically and at different disease stages, will become increasingly important with the expanding elderly population. There are a number of indications that the immune system is engaged in AD. Here we explore the ability of an antibody-profiling technology to characterize AD and screen for peptides that may […]

Accelerated cognitive decline in patients with type 2 diabetes: MRI correlates and risk factors

Background: Type 2 diabetes mellitus is associated with an increased risk of cognitive decline and dementia. We examined brain imaging correlates and vascular and metabolic risk factors of accelerated cognitive decline in patients with type 2 diabetes.; Methods: Cognitive functioning and brain volume as well as metabolic and vascular risk factors were assessed twice in […]

Insulin resistance and medial prefrontal gyrus metabolism in women receiving hormone therapy

Insulin resistance (IR) is a putative risk factor for cognitive decline and dementia, and has been shown to impede neuronal glucose metabolism in animal models. This post hoc study focused on metabolic changes in the medial prefrontal region, a brain region exhibiting decline years before documented cognitive changes, relative to high or low IR status […]

Prospective randomized trial to assess effects of continuing hormone therapy on cerebral function in postmenopausal women at risk for dementia

The objective of this study was to examine the effects of estrogen-based hormone therapy (HT) on regional cerebral metabolism in postmenopausal women (mean age = 58, SD = 5) at risk for development of dementia. The prospective clinical trial design included pre- and post-intervention neuroimaging of women randomized to continue (HT+) or discontinue (HT2) therapy […]

Platelet decline as a predictor of brain injury in HIV infection

An association between platelet decline and increased risk of progression to dementia has been observed in an advanced HIV infection cohort study. This investigation evaluated the prognostic significance of platelet decline for dementia, for psychomotor slowing, and for brain injury, as quantified in vivo, in a much larger population of HIV+ men. Platelet counts and […]

A validity study of the Working Group’s Autobiographical Memory Test for individuals with moderate to severe intellectual disability

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the validity of the Working Group’s Autobiographical Memory Test as a dementia screening tool for individuals with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities (ID). Twenty-one participants with Dementia of Alzheimer’s Type (DAT) and moderate to severe ID and 42 controls with similar levels of ID were tested. […]

Clock drawing in the Montreal Cognitive Assessment: recommendations for dementia assessment

Background: Clock drawing is part of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) test but may have administration and scoring limitations. We assessed (1) the reliability of the MoCA clock criteria relative to a published error scoring approach, (2) whether command-only administration could distinguish dementia from cognitively intact individuals and (3) the value of adding a clock […]

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