This database contains 651 studies, archived under the term: "Cognition"
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Effects of a low-volume, nutrient- and energy-dense oral nutritional supplement on nutritional and functional status: a randomized, controlled trial in nursing home residents
Stange, Inken,
Bartram, Matthias,
Liao, Yuye,
Poeschl, Karin,
Kolpatzik, Sarah,
Uter, Wolfgang,
Sieber, Cornel C.,
Stehle, Peter,
Volkert, Dorothee
Objectives: Although oral nutritional supplements (ONS) are known to be effective to treat malnutrition in the elderly, evidence from nursing home populations, including individuals with dementia, is rare, especially with regard to functionality and well-being. A known barrier for ONS use among elderly is the volume that needs to be consumed, resulting in low compliance […]
Rivastigmine patch ameliorates depression in mild AD: Preliminary evidence from a 6-month open-label observational study
Spalletta, Gianfranco,
Gianni, Walter,
Giubilei, Franco,
Casini, Anna R.,
Sancesario, Giuseppe,
Caltagirone, Carlo,
Cravello, Luca
Here we investigated the effect of the rivastigmine patch alone on depression in 50 mild Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) patients with comorbid major depressive episode (MDE). First diagnosis acetyl-cholinesterase inhibitor and psychoactive drug-free outpatients (n = 50) were recruited in memory clinics and reassessed after 3 and 6 months. Global cognitive functioning, depressive symptoms and MDE […]
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and Alzheimer’s disease progression in older adults: results from the Réseau sur la Maladie d’Alzheimer Français cohort
Soto, Maria E.,
Abellan van Kan, Gabor,
Nourhashemi, Fati,
Gillette-Guyonnet, Sophie,
Cesari, Matteo,
Cantet, Christelle,
Rolland, Yves,
Vellas, Bruno
Objectives: To assess whether angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACE-I) treatment is associated with less cognitive decline in older adults with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) than in those using other hypertensive or no drugs.; Design: Four-year prospective multicenter cohort study with a biannual assessment.; Setting: Memory clinics from 16 university hospitals in France.; Participants: Community-dwelling older adults with […]
Cognitive subdomain responses to galantamine in Alzheimer’s disease
Song, Jihye,
Ahn, Inn Sook,
Kang, Hyo Shin,
Myung, Woojae,
Lee, Yujin,
Woo, Sook-young,
Ku, Hyoung Mo,
Hwang, Tae-Young,
Carroll, Bernard J.,
Kim, Doh Kwan
We investigated the effects of galantamine on cognitive subdomains in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Sixty-six patients with mild-to-moderate AD received open-label galantamine for 52 weeks. Cognitive function was measured using the Korean version of the Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale-cognitive subscale (ADAS-cog-K). Response to galantamine was defined as “improvement or no deterioration” on the total scores of […]
Donepezil treatment stabilizes functional connectivity during resting state and brain activity during memory encoding in Alzheimer’s disease
Solé-Padullés, Cristina,
Bartrés-Faz, David,
Lladó, Albert,
Bosch, Beatriz,
Peña-Gómez, Cleofé,
Castellví, Magdalena,
Rami, Lorena,
Bargalló, Nuria,
Sánchez-Valle, Raquel,
Molinuevo, José Luis
Previous studies with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) demonstrated a differential brain activity and connectivity after treatment with donepezil in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) when compared to healthy elders. Importantly however, there are no available studies where the placebo or control group included comparable AD patients relative to the treated groups. Fifteen patients recently diagnosed of […]
Assessment of cognition in mild cognitive impairment: a comparative study
Snyder, Peter J.,
Jackson, Colleen E.,
Petersen, Ronald C.,
Khachaturian, Ara S.,
Kaye, Jeffrey,
Albert, Marilyn S.,
Weintraub, Sandra
The demand for rapidly administered, sensitive, and reliable cognitive assessments that are specifically designed for identifying individuals in the earliest stages of cognitive decline (and to measure subtle change over time) has escalated as the emphasis in Alzheimer’s disease clinical research has shifted from clinical diagnosis and treatment toward the goal of developing presymptomatic neuroprotective […]