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Your search has found 157 articles in the database for the term 'Depression and Anxiety'

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Mediterranean diet improves cognition: The PREDIMED-NAVARRA randomised trial +0.67), p = 0.048 for CDT). These results did not differ after controlling for incident depression. Conclusions: An intervention with MedDiets enhanced with either EVOO or nuts appears to...

Isolated theory of mind deficits and risk for frontotemporal dementia: A longitudinal pilot study

Objective: Recent data suggest that theory of mind (ToM) deficits represent an early symptom of the behavioural variant of frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD). However, longitudinal data on the natural...

Results of the Trail Making Test among patients suffering from depressive disorders and organic depressive disorders

...Aim: Coexistence of depression and dementia for many years has been widely studied for many years. According to the authors for clinical practice, both psychiatric and psychological, it is...

Evaluation of a home-based exercise program in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease: the Maximizing Independence in Dementia (MIND) study

...performance on measures of hand function and lower extremity strength. On secondary outcome measures, trends toward worse depression and lower quality of life ratings were noted.; Conclusions: The physical exercise...

The effects of an aerobic and resistance exercise training program on cognition following stroke

...mass and depression score.; Conclusion: A combined training model (AT+RT) resulted in improvements in cognitive function and a reduction in the proportion of patients meeting the threshold criteria for MCI....

Effects of multisensory stimulation on a sample of institutionalized elderly people with dementia diagnosis: A controlled longitudinal trial

Long-term effects of multisensory stimulation were assessed using a “Snoezelen” room on older residents with dementia. Thirty patients were randomly assigned to 3 groups: multisensory stimulation environment (MSSE)...

Donepezil improves gait performance in older adults with mild Alzheimer’s disease: A phase II clinical trial

Background: Gait deficits are prevalent in people with dementia and increase their fall risk and future disability. Few treatments exist for gait impairment in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) but...

Reliability and validity of the Norwegian version of the Brief Agitation Rating Scale (BARS) in dementia

...Version subscale Agitation/Aggression (NPI-NH/AA) and the Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia subscale Agitation (CSDD/A).; Results: In the reliability study, Cronbach’s alpha was 0.76; the test-retest reliability of the BARS...

Physical activity reduces hippocampal atrophy in elders at genetic risk for Alzheimer’s disease

We examined the impact of physical activity (PA) on longitudinal change in hippocampal volume in cognitively intact older adults at varying genetic risk for the sporadic form of...

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