This database contains 651 studies, archived under the term: "Cognition"
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Effects of aerobic exercise on mild cognitive impairment: a controlled trial
Baker, Laura D.,
Frank, Laura L.,
Foster-Schubert, Karen,
Green, Pattie S.,
Wilkinson, Charles W.,
McTiernan, Anne,
Plymate, Stephen R.,
Fishel, Mark A.,
Watson, G. Stennis,
Cholerton, Brenna A.,
Duncan, Glen E.,
Mehta, Pankaj D.,
Craft, Suzanne
Objectives: To examine the effects of aerobic exercise on cognition and other biomarkers associated with Alzheimer disease pathology for older adults with mild cognitive impairment, and assess the role of sex as a predictor of response.; Design: Six-month, randomized, controlled, clinical trial.; Setting: Veterans Affairs Puget Sound Health Care System clinical research unit.; Participants: Thirty-three […]
Vitamin D and risk of cognitive decline in elderly persons
Llewellyn, David J.,
Lang, Iain A.,
Langa, Kenneth M.,
Muniz-Terrera, Graciela,
Phillips, Caroline L.,
Cherubini, Antonio,
Ferrucci, Luigi,
Melzer, David
Background: To our knowledge, no prospective study has examined the association between vitamin D and cognitive decline or dementia.; Methods: We determined whether low levels of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D) were associated with an increased risk of substantial cognitive decline in the InCHIANTI population-based study conducted in Italy between 1998 and 2006 with follow-up assessments […]
Promotion of the mind through exercise (PROMoTE): a proof-of-concept randomized controlled trial of aerobic exercise training in older adults with vascular cognitive impairment
Liu-Ambrose, Teresa,
Eng, Janice J.,
Boyd, Lara A.,
Jacova, Claudia,
Davis, Jennifer C.,
Bryan, Stirling,
Lee, Philip,
Brasher, Penny,
Hsiung, Ging-Yuek R.
Background: Sub-cortical vascular ischaemia is the second most common etiology contributing to cognitive impairment in older adults, and is frequently under-diagnosed and under-treated. Although evidence is mounting that exercise has benefits for cognitive function among seniors, very few randomized controlled trials of exercise have been conducted in populations at high-risk for progression to dementia. Aerobic-based […]
The fitness for the Ageing Brain Study II (FABS II): protocol for a randomized controlled clinical trial evaluating the effect of physical activity on cognitive function in patients with Alzheimer’s disease
Cyarto, Elizabeth V.,
Cox, Kay L.,
Almeida, Osvaldo P.,
Flicker, Leon,
Ames, David,
Byrne, Gerard,
Hill, Keith D.,
Beer, Christopher D.,
LoGiudice, Dina,
Appadurai, Kana,
Irish, Muireann,
Renehan, Emma,
Lautenschlager, Nicola T.
Background: Observational studies have documented a potential protective effect of physical exercise in older adults who are at risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease. The Fitness for the Ageing Brain II (FABS II) study is a multicentre randomized controlled clinical trial (RCT) aiming to determine whether physical activity reduces the rate of cognitive decline among individuals […]
Alzheimer’s Disease Anti-inflammatory Prevention Trial: design, methods, and baseline results
Background: The Alzheimer’s Disease Anti-inflammatory Prevention Trial (ADAPT) was designed to address whether non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can prevent or delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease (AD).; Methods: ADAPT was a randomized, double-placebo-controlled, multicenter chemoprevention trial conducted at six U.S. dementia research clinics. At entry, participants were required to test “normal” on a battery of […]
DOMINO-AD protocol: donepezil and memantine in moderate to severe Alzheimer’s disease – a multicentre RCT
Jones, Rob,
Sheehan, Bart,
Phillips, Patrick,
Juszczak, Ed,
Adams, Jessica,
Baldwin, Ashley,
Ballard, Clive,
Banerjee, Sube,
Barber, Bob,
Bentham, Peter,
Brown, Richard,
Burns, Alistair,
Dening, Tom,
Findlay, David,
Gray, Richard,
Griffin, Mary,
Holmes, Clive,
Hughes, Alan,
Jacoby, Robin,
Johnson, Tony,
Jones, Roy,
Knapp, Martin,
Lindesay, James,
McKeith, Ian,
McShane, Rupert,
Macharouthu, Ajay,
O'Brien, John,
Onions, Caroline,
Passmore, Peter,
Raftery, James,
Ritchie, Craig,
Howard, Rob
Background: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the commonest cause of dementia. Cholinesterase inhibitors, such as donepezil, are the drug class with the best evidence of efficacy, licensed for mild to moderate AD, while the glutamate antagonist memantine has been widely prescribed, often in the later stages of AD. Memantine is licensed for moderate to severe dementia […]
Dementia care initiative in primary practice: study protocol of a cluster randomized trial on dementia management in a general practice setting
Holle, Rolf,
Grässel, Elmar,
Ruckdäschel, Stefan,
Wunder, Sonja,
Mehlig, Hilmar,
Marx, Peter,
Pirk, Olaf,
Butzlaff, Martin,
Kunz, Simone,
Lauterberg, Jörg
Background: Current guidelines for dementia care recommend the combination of drug therapy with non-pharmaceutical measures like counselling and social support. However, the scientific evidence concerning non-pharmaceutical interventions for dementia patients and their informal caregivers remains inconclusive. Targets of modern comprehensive dementia care are to enable patients to live at home as long and as independent […]