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Your search has found 137 articles in the database for the term 'Physical Distress'

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Effectiveness of online cognitive behavioral therapy on family caregivers of people with dementia

...of PWD and BPSD-related distress in family caregivers showed a statistically significant reduction after the intervention. Subgroup analysis showed self-efficacy in controlling upsetting thoughts significantly improved in caregivers of PWD...

Treatment outcomes of a crisis intervention program for dementia with severe psychiatric complications: the Kansas bridge project

...reported significantly reduced anxiety, apathy, resistance to care, and less distress over patient neuropsychiatric symptoms. Caregivers also reported increased confidence in managing difficult behaviors, and the project effectively reduced or...

Evidence for neurocognitive plasticity in at-risk older adults: the experience corps program

...and physical activity.; Methods: Eight community-dwelling, older female volunteers and nine matched wait-list controls were recruited to serve in the ongoing EC: Baltimore program in three elementary schools. We employed...

Lipid lowering agents, cognitive decline, and dementia: the three-city study

...follow-up. Multivariate Cox models were stratified by gender and adjusted for sociodemographic characteristics, mental and physical health including vascular risk factors, and genetic vulnerability (apolipoprotein E and cholesteryl ester transfer...

Clinical outcomes and complications of enteral nutrition among older adults

...displacement is frequent with NGT but not with PEG and may be a cause of physical restraint, compromising in this way patient’s quality of life. In this study, survival was...

Escitalopram versus risperidone for the treatment of behavioral and psychotic symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s disease: a randomized double-blind pilot study

...due to adverse events. There were no adverse events in the escitalopram group, while in the risperidone group two patients suffered severe extrapyramidal symptoms and four patients suffered acute physical...

Hand motor activity, cognition, mood, and the rest-activity rhythm in dementia: a clustered RCT

...Background: Physical activity such as walking may exert a positive impact on cognition and behaviour in older persons with dementia, but due to the frailty of the population it...

Cognitive function and common mental disorders in older people with vascular and non-vascular disorders: a national survey

...survey participants who were aged 60-74 years (n = 2007). Associations with self-reported vascular and common non-vascular (musculoskeletal, respiratory or gastrointestinal) disorders were compared. Disability (SF-12 physical scale) was considered...

Six-month walking program changes cognitive and ADL performance in patients with Alzheimer

...Motor inactivity is typical in the later stages of Alzheimer’s disease although there is evidence that physical exercise can reduce depression and enhance performance of daily activities. The aim...

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