This database contains 750 studies, archived under the term: "aged, 80 and over"
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Technology-aided verbal instructions to help persons with mild or moderate Alzheimer’s disease perform daily activities
Lancioni, Giulio E.,
Singh, Nirbhay N.,
O’Reilly, Mark F.,
Sigafoos, Jeff,
Tatulli, Emanuela,
Rigante, Valeria,
Zonno, Nadia,
Perilli, Viviana,
Pinto, Katia,
Minervini, Mauro G.
These two studies extended previous research on the use of verbal instructions and support technology for helping persons with mild or moderate Alzheimer’s disease perform daily activities. Study I included seven participants who were to carry out one of two previously targeted activities (i.e., either coffee preparation or table setting). Study II included four participants […]
Evaluation of a brief educational program for dementia carers: the AENEAS study
Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of a practical, easily implemented, educational intervention in group format for informal carers of persons with dementia.; Methods: Multi-centre, randomised, controlled, single-blind trial involving 292 family caregivers of patients with moderate dementia in Alzheimer’s disease.; Results: Participants valued program components which had a practical impact on their caring role. The […]
Effects of a physical training programme on cognitive function and walking efficiency in elderly persons with dementia
Kemoun, Gilles,
Thibaud, Marie,
Roumagne, Nicolas,
Carette, Pierre,
Albinet, Cédric,
Toussaint, Lucette,
Paccalin, Marc,
Dugué, Benoit
Objectives: To study the effects of physical stimulation based on walking exercises, equilibrium and endurance on cognitive function and walking efficiency in patients with dementia.; Methods: Randomized controlled trial including 31 subjects suffering from dementia (age: 81.8 +/- 5.3 years). The intervention group (n = 16) benefited from a 15-week physical activity programme involving three […]
Comparing responses to horticultural-based and traditional activities in dementia care programs
Engaging persons with dementia in meaningful activities supports well-being; however, care staff are challenged to implement age- and ability-appropriate activities in a group setting. We compared a randomly assigned treatment group, who received horticultural therapy-based (HT-based) programming to a comparison group, who engaged in traditional activities (TA) programming, on engagement and affect. Horticultural therapy-based programming […]
Treatment of behavioral and psychological symptoms of Alzheimer-type dementia with Yokukansan in clinical practice
Hayashi, Yoshihito,
Ishida, Yasushi,
Inoue, Teruhiko,
Udagawa, Mitsutaka,
Takeuchi, Kouzou,
Yoshimuta, Hirofumi,
Kiue, Kouichirou,
Ninomiya, Yoshimasa,
Kawano, Jiro,
Sameshima, Tetsuro,
Kawahara, Takashi,
Goto, Isamu,
Shudo, Kenji,
Kurayama, Shigeki,
Nakamura, Jungo,
Okahara, Kazunori,
Mitsuyama, Yoshio
The efficacy and safety of the kampo medicine Yokukansan (YKS, TJ-54) in the treatment of behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) were investigated in patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in an open-label study. This study included 26 patients who had been diagnosed as having AD and were not treated with donepezil hydrochloride. These patients […]