This database contains 27 studies, archived under the term: "Alzheimer Disease And Associated Disorders"
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Longitudinal medication usage in Alzheimer disease patients
Zhu, Carolyn W.,
Livote, Elayne E.,
Kahle-Wrobleski, Kristin,
Scarmeas, Nikolaos,
Albert, Marilyn,
Brandt, Jason,
Blacker, Deborah,
Sano, Mary,
Stern, Yaakov
This study examined in detail patterns of cholinesterase inhibitors (ChEIs) and memantine use and explored the relationship between patient characteristics and such use. Patients with probable Alzheimer disease AD (n=201) were recruited from the Predictors Study in 3 academic AD centers and followed from early disease stages for up to 6 years. Random effects logistic […]
Greater responsiveness to donepezil in Alzheimer patients with higher levels of acetylcholinesterase based on attention task scores and a donepezil PET study
Kasuya, Masashi,
Meguro, Kenichi,
Okamura, Nobuyuki,
Funaki, Yoshihito,
Ishikawa, Hiroyasu,
Tanaka, Naofumi,
Iwata, Ren,
Yanai, Kazuhiko
The aim of the study was to predict donepezil responders among patients with Alzheimer disease (AD) based on cognitive tests and positron emission tomography. The Mini-Mental State Examination, Digit Symbol subtest (DigSm) of Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale Revised, and Trail-Making Test A were administered for 80 patients with AD to assess global function, attention, and […]
CORDIAL: cognitive rehabilitation and cognitive-behavioral treatment for early dementia in Alzheimer disease: a multicenter, randomized, controlled trial
Kurz, Alexander,
Thöne-Otto, Angelika,
Cramer, Barbara,
Egert, Silvia,
Frölich, Lutz,
Gertz, Hermann-Josef,
Kehl, Victoria,
Wagenpfeil, Stefan,
Werheid, Katja
Cognitive rehabilitation (CR) is a promising treatment approach for older adults with dementia because it aims at supporting the management of day-to-day problems. There is insufficient evidence regarding whether CR provides clinically meaningful benefits. In this study, we evaluated the feasibility, acceptance, efficacy, and usefulness of a CR intervention in a multicenter, randomized, controlled trial […]
Treating neuropsychiatric symptoms in dementia with Lewy bodies: a randomized controlled-trial
Culo, Sandi,
Mulsant, Benoit H.,
Rosen, Jules,
Mazumdar, Sati,
Blakesley, Richard E.,
Houck, Patricia R.,
Pollock, Bruce G.
Sensitivity to psychotropic medications presents a therapeutic challenge when treating neuropsychiatric symptoms in patients with dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB). We compared under randomized, double-blinded conditions the tolerability and efficacy of citalopram and risperidone in the treatment of behavioral and psychotic symptoms in patients with DLB and Alzheimer disease (AD). Thirty-one participants with DLB and […]
Life enhancing activities for family caregivers of people with frontotemporal dementia
Dowling, Glenna A.,
Merrilees, Jennifer,
Mastick, Judy,
Chang, Vickie Y.,
Hubbard, Erin,
Moskowitz, Judith Tedlie
Aberrant psychological and behavioral symptoms are common in patients with dementia. These symptoms have negative consequences for family caregivers, causing stress and burden. Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) symptoms cause more pronounced stress and burden on caregivers than those associated with Alzheimer dementia. In this randomized, attention control pilot study, we delivered 5-weekly, one-on-one, positive affect intervention […]
Effects of simvastatin on cholesterol metabolism and Alzheimer disease biomarkers
Serrano-Pozo, Alberto,
Vega, Gloria L.,
Lütjohann, Dieter,
Locascio, Joseph J.,
Tennis, Marsha K.,
Deng, Amy,
Atri, Alireza,
Hyman, Bradley T.,
Irizarry, Michael C.,
Growdon, John H.
Preclinical and epidemiologic studies suggest a protective effect of statins on Alzheimer disease (AD). Experimental evidence indicates that some statins can cross the blood-brain barrier, alter brain cholesterol metabolism, and may ultimately decrease the production of amyloid-beta (Abeta) peptide. Despite these promising leads, clinical trials have yielded inconsistent results regarding the benefits of statin treatment […]