This database contains 472 studies, archived under the term: "Pharmaceutical Interventions"
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Continuous dopaminergic stimulation by Duodopa in advanced Parkinson’s disease: Efficacy and safety
Annic, A.,
Devos, D.,
Seguy, D.,
Dujardin, K.,
Destée, A.,
Defebvre, L.
Introduction: When advanced Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients experience motor complications (fluctuations and dyskinesias) despite standard oral treatment, two treatment options are available: deep brain stimulation and subcutaneous apomorphine infusion with respects of indications for each strategy. Continuous intraduodenal infusion of levodopa (Duodopa) via a gastrojejunal tube may be proposed at this stage of the disease […]
Levodopa response in dementia with lewy bodies: a 1-year follow-up study
Lucetti, Claudio,
Logi, Chiara,
Del Dotto, Paolo,
Berti, Caterina,
Ceravolo, Roberto,
Baldacci, Filippo,
Dolciotti, Cristina,
Gambaccini, Gianna,
Rossi, Giuseppe,
Bonuccelli, Ubaldo
Purpose: To evaluate levodopa responsiveness in patients with probable dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) compared to early Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients.; Methods: Twenty four cases with DLB and 21 with PD underwent a baseline assessment with UPDRS (sub-item II and III) and an acute levodopa challenge test. Positive response to acute levodopa test was defined […]
Improved cognitive-cerebral function in older adults with chromium supplementation
Insulin resistance is implicated in the pathophysiological changes associated with Alzheimer’s disease, and pharmaceutical treatments that overcome insulin resistance improve memory function in subjects with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and early Alzheimer’s disease. Chromium (Cr) supplementation improves glucose disposal in patients with insulin resistance and diabetes. We sought to assess whether supplementation with Cr might […]
Treatment of behavioral and psychological symptoms of Alzheimer-type dementia with Yokukansan in clinical practice
Hayashi, Yoshihito,
Ishida, Yasushi,
Inoue, Teruhiko,
Udagawa, Mitsutaka,
Takeuchi, Kouzou,
Yoshimuta, Hirofumi,
Kiue, Kouichirou,
Ninomiya, Yoshimasa,
Kawano, Jiro,
Sameshima, Tetsuro,
Kawahara, Takashi,
Goto, Isamu,
Shudo, Kenji,
Kurayama, Shigeki,
Nakamura, Jungo,
Okahara, Kazunori,
Mitsuyama, Yoshio
The efficacy and safety of the kampo medicine Yokukansan (YKS, TJ-54) in the treatment of behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) were investigated in patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in an open-label study. This study included 26 patients who had been diagnosed as having AD and were not treated with donepezil hydrochloride. These patients […]
Randomized controlled trial of atorvastatin in mild to moderate Alzheimer disease: LEADe
Feldman, H. H.,
Doody, R. S.,
Kivipelto, M.,
Sparks, D. L.,
Waters, D. D.,
Jones, R. W.,
Schwam, E.,
Schindler, R.,
Hey-Hadavi, J.,
DeMicco, D. A.,
Breazna, A.
Background: There is some evidence that statins may have a protective and symptomatic benefit in Alzheimer disease (AD). The LEADe study is a randomized controlled trial (RCT) evaluating the efficacy and safety of atorvastatin in patients with mild to moderate AD.; Methods: This was an international, multicenter, double-blind, randomized, parallel-group study. Subjects had mild to […]