This database contains 97 studies, archived under the term: "Germany"
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Updated clinical diagnostic criteria for sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
Zerr, I.,
Kallenberg, K.,
Summers, D. M.,
Romero, C.,
Taratuto, A.,
Heinemann, U.,
Breithaupt, M.,
Varges, D.,
Meissner, B.,
Ladogana, A.,
Schuur, M.,
Haik, S.,
Collins, S. J.,
Jansen, G. H.,
Stokin, G. B.,
Pimentel, J.,
Hewer, E.,
Collie, D.,
Smith, P.,
Roberts, H.,
Brandel, J. P.,
van Duijn, C.,
Pocchiari, M.,
Begue, C.,
Cras, P.,
Will, R. G.,
Sanchez-Juan, P.
Several molecular subtypes of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease have been identified and electroencephalogram and cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers have been reported to support clinical diagnosis but with variable utility according to subtype. In recent years, a series of publications have demonstrated a potentially important role for magnetic resonance imaging in the pre-mortem diagnosis of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. […]
The influence of Nintendo-Wii® bowling upon residents of retirement homes
The few studies dealing with the positive effects of health and well-being of older people are only one-sided. The aim of the study therefore was to analyze the effects of Nintendo-Wii® bowling on daily function, state of dementia, quality of life, cognition and motor skills in retirement home inhabitants. The study was performed with 27 […]
Comparison of patient therapy adherence of two structural different memory clinics
Weih, M,
Sulimma, A.-K,
Lehfeld, H,
Niklewski, G,
Sonnenberg, M,
Richter-Schmidinger, T,
Alexopoulos, P,
Gräßel, E,
Kornhuber, J
There are more than 100 memory clinics established in Germany, Austria and German-speaking Switzerland. We compared the impact of the structure of two German memory clinics (Erlangen and Nuremberg) on therapeutic outcome. 483 patients suffering from dementia with indication for antidementive therapy were included in this study. The data ascertainment included patient-related data, the mini […]
Detection of disease-associated α-synuclein in the cerebrospinal fluid: a feasibility study
Unterberger, Ursula,
Lachmann, Ingolf,
Voigtländer, Till,
Pirker, Walter,
Berghoff, Anna S.,
Flach, Katharina,
Wagner, Uta,
Geneste, Aline,
Perret-Liaudet, Armand,
Kovacs, Gabor G.
With the aim to evaluate the significance and reliability of detecting disease-specific α-synuclein in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) we developed an ELISA and bead-assay. We used a commercial antibody (5G4) that does not bind to the physiological monomeric form of α-synuclein, but is highly specific for the disease-associated forms, including high molecular weight fraction of […]
How Can we provide better services for demented nursing home residents suffering from apathy?
Treusch, Yvonne,
Jerosch, Daniela,
Majić, Tomislav,
Heinz, Andreas,
Gutzmann, Hans,
Rapp, Michael
Behavioural and psychological symptoms of Dementia include agitation, depression and apathy. Apathy is a common condition and a major challenge especially in nursing home residents. The development of a brief intervention for nursing home residents combining physical activation and reminiscence therapy in order to reactivating apathic residents and increasing their quality of life will be […]
Multicenter stability of diffusion tensor imaging measures: a European clinical and physical phantom study
Teipel, Stefan J.,
Reuter, Sigrid,
Stieltjes, Bram,
Acosta-Cabronero, Julio,
Ernemann, Ulrike,
Fellgiebel, Andreas,
Filippi, Massimo,
Frisoni, Giovanni,
Hentschel, Frank,
Jessen, Frank,
Klöppel, Stefan,
Meindl, Thomas,
Pouwels, Petra J.W.,
Hauenstein, Karl-Heinz,
Hampel, Harald
Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) detects white matter damage in neuro-psychiatric disorders, but data on reliability of DTI measures across more than two scanners are still missing. In this study we assessed multicenter reproducibility of DTI acquisitions based on a physical phantom as well as brain scans across 16 scanners. In addition, we performed DTI scans […]
The Nottingham Health Profile: a feasible questionnaire for nursing home residents?
Background: The Nottingham Health Profile (NHP) assesses perceived emotional, social, and physical health problems and the extent to which such problems affect daily activities. The objective of our study was to determine the feasibility of the NHP for nursing home residents.; Methods: A prospective multicenter observational study was conducted in 11 nursing homes from April […]