This database contains 97 studies, archived under the term: "Germany"
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Evaluation of a brief educational program for dementia carers: the AENEAS study
Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of a practical, easily implemented, educational intervention in group format for informal carers of persons with dementia.; Methods: Multi-centre, randomised, controlled, single-blind trial involving 292 family caregivers of patients with moderate dementia in Alzheimer’s disease.; Results: Participants valued program components which had a practical impact on their caring role. The […]
Counsellors contact dementia caregivers–predictors of utilisation in a longitudinal study
Grossfeld-Schmitz, Maria,
Donath, Carolin,
Holle, Rolf,
Lauterberg, Joerg,
Ruckdaeschel, Stephan,
Mehlig, Hilmar,
Marx, Peter,
Wunder, Sonja,
Grässel, Elmar
Background: Counselling of family members is an established procedure in the support of dementia patients’ relatives. In absence of widespread specialised dementia care services in most countries, however, counselling services are often not taken up or only very late in the course of the disease.; Object: In order to promote acceptance of this service, a […]
Effects of general practitioner training and family support services on the care of home-dwelling dementia patients–results of a controlled cluster-randomized study
Donath, Carolin,
Grässel, Elmar,
Grossfeld-Schmitz, Maria,
Menn, Petra,
Lauterberg, Jörg,
Wunder, Sonja,
Marx, Peter,
Ruckdäschel, Stephan,
Mehlig, Hilmar,
Holle, Rolf
Background: More than 90% of dementia patients are cared for by their general practitioners, who are decisively involved in the diagnosis, therapy and recommendation of support services.; Objective: To test whether special training of general practitioners alters the care of dementia patients through their systematic recommendation of caregiver counseling and support groups.; Method: 129 general […]
Voxel-based morphometry in individual patients: a pilot study in early Huntington disease
Mühlau, M.,
Wohlschläger, A. M.,
Gaser, C.,
Valet, M.,
Weindl, A.,
Nunnemann, S.,
Peinemann, A.,
Etgen, T.,
Ilg, R.
Background and Purpose: Voxel-based morphometry (VBM) has proved a powerful method to detect subtle changes of gray matter (GM) at the group level but the role of VBM for the detection of GM changes in single subjects, especially in those with suspected neurodegenerative disorder, remains uncertain. Here, we performed single subject analyses in 22 patients […]
Increase of BDNF serum concentration in lithium treated patients with early Alzheimer’s disease
Leyhe, Thomas,
Eschweiler, Gerhard W.,
Stransky, Elke,
Gasser, Thomas,
Annas, Peter,
Basun, Hans,
Laske, Christoph
Preclinical and clinical studies gave evidence that lithium could be useful in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). In experimental investigations, lithium induces brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Recent studies have found a decrease of BDNF in the serum and brains of AD patients with potentially consecutive lack of neurotrophic support. We assessed the influence of […]
Training in dementia care: a cluster-randomized controlled trial of a training program for nursing home staff in Germany
Kuske, Bettina,
Luck, Tobias,
Hanns, Stephanie,
Matschinger, Herbert,
Angermeyer, Matthias C.,
Behrens, Johann,
Riedel-Heller, Steffi G.
Background: This study examines the effectiveness of a nursing home staff training program designed to improve the interaction between residents with dementia and their caregivers.; Methods: A three-arm cluster-randomized and controlled population of 96 caregivers and 210 residents was used. Caregivers of the intervention group (IG) received a three-month training program in dementia care. Data […]
Decreased activation along the dorsal visual pathway after a 3-month treatment with galantamine in mild Alzheimer disease: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study
Bokde, Arun L. W.,
Karmann, Michaela,
Teipel, Stefan J.,
Born, Christine,
Lieb, Martin,
Reiser, Maximilian F.,
Möller, Hans-Jürgen,
Hampel, Harald
Visual perception has been shown to be altered in Alzheimer disease (AD) patients, and it is associated with decreased cognitive function. Galantamine is an active cholinergic agent, which has been shown to lead to improved cognition in mild to moderate AD patients. This study examined brain activation in a group of mild AD patients after […]
Cued recall and other cognitive tasks to facilitate dementia recognition in primary care
Objectives: To compare the accuracy of commonly used tasks with that of the Visual Association Test (VAT), a conceptually different test involving cued recall of pictorial stimuli, in the recognition of dementia within primary care.; Design: A cross-sectional diagnostic study of concurrent validity.; Setting: Twenty-nine German primary care practices.; Participants: Four hundred twenty-three individuals in […]