This database contains 57 studies, archived under the term: "Extra Care Housing"
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Reducing dangerous nighttime events in persons with dementia by using a nighttime monitoring system
Rowe, Meredeth A.,
Kelly, Annette,
Horne, Claydell,
Lane, Steve,
Campbell, Judy,
Lehman, Brandy,
Phipps, Chad,
Keller, Meredith,
Pe Benito, Andrea
Background: Nighttime activity, a common occurrence in persons with dementia, increases the risk for injury and unattended home exits and impairs the sleep patterns of caregivers. Technology is needed that will alert caregivers of nighttime activity in persons with dementia to help prevent injuries and unattended exits. Methods: As part of a product development grant, […]
Translating the REACH caregiver intervention for use by area agency on aging personnel: The REACH OUT Program
Burgio, Louis D.,
Collins, Irene B.,
Schmid, Bettina,
Wharton, Tracy,
McCallum, Debra,
DeCoster, Jamie
Purpose: The aim of this study was to translate the evidence-based Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer’s Caregiver Health (REACH) II intervention for use in 4 Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs). A secondary aim was to examine possible moderators of treatment outcome. Design and Methods: We used a quasi-experimental pre-post treatment design with no control group. A […]
Does theatre improve the quality of life of people with dementia?
Background: A new communication method, the “Veder method”, has recently been developed. Caregivers are trained to apply this method in a group activity (“living-room theatre activity”) for people with dementia in which theatrical stimuli are used in combination with proven emotion-oriented care methods. The aim of this exploratory study was to evaluate the added value […]
Effect of a human-type communication robot on cognitive function in elderly women living alone
Tanaka, Masaaki,
Ishii, Akira,
Yamano, Emi,
Ogikubo, Hiroki,
Okazaki, Masatsugu,
Kamimura, Kazuro,
Konishi, Yasuharu,
Emoto, Shigeru,
Watanabe, Yasuyoshi
Background: Considering the high prevalence of dementia, it would be of great value to develop effective tools to improve cognitive function. We examined the effects of a human-type communication robot on cognitive function in elderly women living alone.; Material/methods: In this study, 34 healthy elderly female volunteers living alone were randomized to living with either […]
Alzheimer’s disease multiple intervention trial (ADMIT): study protocol for a randomized controlled clinical trial
Callahan, Christopher M.,
Boustani, Malaz A.,
Schmid, Arlene A.,
Austrom, Mary G.,
Miller, Douglas K.,
Gao, Sujuan,
Morris, Carrie S.,
Vogel, Mickey,
Hendrie, Hugh C.
Background: Given the current lack of disease-modifying therapies, it is important to explore new models of longitudinal care for older adults with dementia that focus on improving quality of life and delaying functional decline. In a previous clinical trial, we demonstrated that collaborative care for Alzheimer’s disease reduces patients’ neuropsychiatric symptoms as well as caregiver […]