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Your search has found 189 articles in the database for the term 'Quality%20of%20Life%20(self-rated)'

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A home‐based training program improves Taiwanese family caregivers’ quality of life and decreases their risk for depression: A randomized controlled trial

...Objectives: Little is known about the longitudinal effects of training programs on family caregivers’ health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and depressive symptoms over time. Therefore, the purpose of this...

Pilot controlled trial of mindfulness meditation and education for dementia caregivers

...intervention, there were significant correlations between mindfulness and self-rated mood and stress scores.; Conclusions: Both mindfulness and education interventions decreased the self-rated caregiver stress compared to the respite-only control.;...

Assessing the impact and social perception of self-regulated music stimulation with patients with Alzheimer’s disease

...a simple hand response and a microswitch to self-regulate music stimulation inputs. In the passive condition, music stimulation was automatically presented throughout the sessions. Active and passive stimulation sessions were...

Nursing homes and end-of-life care in Japan

...from Tokyo cooperated.; Participants: Nursing home staff answered questionnaires on facility and resident characteristics. Resident level data were obtained from 1158. The questionnaire on the quality of care was responded...

Does an interdisciplinary network improve dementia care? Results from the IDemUck-study

...specialist and dementia-specific medication as well as quality of life of the patients, and as secondary outcomes caregiver burden and caregiver health-related quality of life. Results: Network patients were more...

PerCEN: A cluster randomized controlled trial of person-centered residential care and environment for people with dementia

...of age and consented were eligible. Co-outcomes assessed pre and four months post-intervention and at 8 months follow-up were resident agitation, emotional responses in care, quality of life and depression,...

A pilot cluster-randomized trial of a 20-week Tai Chi program in elders with cognitive impairment and osteoarthritic knee: effects on pain and other health outcomes

...TC group attended Sun style TC classes, three sessions a week for 20 weeks; the control group attended classes providing health and cultural information for the same length of time....

The Peaceful Mind program: A pilot test of a cognitive–behavioral therapy–based intervention for anxious patients with Dementia

...3 months, clinicians rated patients receiving Peaceful Mind as less anxious, and patients rated themselves as having higher quality of life; collaterals reported less distress related to loved ones’ anxiety....

Life review and life story books for people with mild to moderate dementia: a randomised controlled trial

...weeks. After the LSBs were produced – by either pathway – quality of relationship as rated by relatives improved significantly (F(2, 39) = 19.37, p < 0.001) and staff knowledge...

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