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Technology-based orientation programs to support indoor travel by persons with moderate Alzheimer’s disease: impact assessment and social validation

The present study (a) extended the assessment of an orientation program involving auditory cues (i.e., verbal messages automatically presented from the destinations) with five patients with Alzheimer’s disease, (b) compared the effects of this program with those of a program with light cues (i.e., a program in which strobe lights were used instead of the […]

Assessing the impact and social perception of self-regulated music stimulation with patients with Alzheimer’s disease

We assessed the impact and social rating of an active and a passive music condition implemented with six patients with Alzheimer’s disease. In the active condition, the patients used a simple hand response and a microswitch to self-regulate music stimulation inputs. In the passive condition, music stimulation was automatically presented throughout the sessions. Active and […]