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Your search has found 29 articles in the database for the term 'Place of Death'

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Using silver yoga exercises to promote physical and mental health of elders with dementia in long-term care facilities

Background: This study aimed to test the effects of yoga exercises on the physical and mental health of elderly people with dementia living in long-term care facilities.; Methods:...

Fracture prevention in patients with cognitive impairment presenting with a hip fracture: secondary analysis of data from the HORIZON Recurrent Fracture Trial

...Fine-Gray models for competing events were fitted to study the effect of Zol on re-fracture and Cox regression for death. A multiplicative term was introduced to study a potential interaction...

Vascular care in patients with Alzheimer disease with cerebrovascular lesions slows progression of white matter lesions on MRI: the evaluation of vascular care in Alzheimer’s disease (EVA) study 58 subjects, a follow-up scan could not be obtained due to advanced dementia or death. Subjects in the vascular care group had less progression of WMLs as measured with...

Impact of smoking on cognitive decline in early old age: the Whitehall II cohort study

...decline in long-term ex-smokers was similar to that among never smokers. In analyses that additionally took dropout and death into account, these differences were 1.2 to 1.5 times larger. In...

Dietary intake of vitamin D and cognition in older women: a large population-based study

Background: Serum vitamin D concentrations are associated with global cognitive function among older adults. The benefits of vitamin D intake to treat or prevent cognitive impairment remain unknown....

Mibampator (LY451395) randomized clinical trial for agitation/aggression in Alzheimer’s disease

...but without group differences. Among secondaries, mibampator was significantly better (p = 0.007) than placebo only on the FrSBe. AEs were similar between groups. One death occurred in the placebo...

Improved end-of-life care for patients with dementia: greater family satisfaction and possibly greater end-of-life comfort

...studies (2 solely retrospective (after death) and 1 partly prospective).; Method: We combined data on 372 residents with dementia from 38 nursing homes and 13 residential homes (‘psychogeriatric’ wards) over...

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