This database contains 114 studies, archived under the term: "mild cognitive impairment"
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Efficacy of a cognitive training programme for mild cognitive impairment: Results of a randomised controlled study
Jean, Léonie,
Simard, Martine,
Wiederkehr, Sandra,
Bergeron, Marie-Ève,
Turgeon, Yves,
Hudon, Carol,
Tremblay, Isabelle,
van Reekum, Robert
This study aimed to determine the efficacy of cognitive training in a 10-week randomised controlled study involving 22 individuals presenting with mild cognitive impairment of the amnestic type (MCI-A). Participants in the experimental group (n = 11) learned face–name associations using a paradigm combining errorless (EL) learning and spaced retrieval (SR) whereas participants in the […]
Antihypertensive therapy and cerebral hemodynamics in executive mild cognitive impairment: results of a pilot randomized clinical trial
Hajjar, Ihab,
Hart, Meaghan,
Chen, Yu-Ling,
Mack, Wendy,
Novak, Vera,
C. Chui, Helena,
Lipsitz, Lewis
Objectives: To compare the effects of three antihypertensive medications on cerebral hemodynamic and cognitive function in hypertensive individuals with executive dysfunction.; Design: Double-blind randomized clinical trial.; Setting: Community.; Participants: Fifty-three individuals aged 60 and older with hypertension and executive dysfunction.; Intervention: Lisinopril, candesartan, or hydrochlorothiazide for 1 year.; Measurements: Cerebral blood flow velocity (BFV; transcranial […]
Robot services for elderly with cognitive impairment: testing usability of graphical user interfaces
Granata, C.,
Pino, M.,
Legouverneur, G.,
Vidal, J. S.,
Bidaud, P.,
Rigaud, A. S.
Background: Socially assistive robotics for elderly care is a growing field. However, although robotics has the potential to support elderly in daily tasks by offering specific services, the development of usable interfaces is still a challenge. Since several factors such as age or disease-related changes in perceptual or cognitive abilities and familiarity with computer technologies […]
Effects of problem solving therapy on mental health outcomes in family caregivers of persons with a new diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment or early dementia: A randomized controlled trial
Garand, Linda,
Rinaldo, Donna E.,
Alberth, Mary M.,
Delany, Jill,
Beasock, Stacey L.,
Lopez, Oscar L.,
Reynolds, Charles F.,
Dew, Mary Amanda
Objective: Interventions directed at the mental health of family dementia caregivers may have limited impact when focused on caregivers who have provided care for years and report high burden levels. We sought to evaluate the mental health effects of problem-solving therapy (PST), designed for caregivers of individuals with a recent diagnosis of Mild Cognitive Impairment […]
Effects of multicomponent exercise on spatial-temporal gait parameters among the elderly with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI): preliminary results from a randomized controlled trial (RCT)
Doi, Takehiko,
Makizako, Hyuma,
Shimada, Hiroyuki,
Yoshida, Daisuke,
Tsutsumimoto, Kota,
Sawa, Ryuichi,
Misu, Shogo,
Suzuki, Takao
Exercise training has been shown to increase physical function in the elderly. However, the effects of exercise on elderly individuals with amnestic aMCI are unclear. The aim of this RCT was to investigate the effect of multicomponent exercise on gait in the elderly. Fifty elderly individuals with aMCI (age: 65-92 years) participated in the study […]
The effect of souvenaid on functional brain network organisation in patients with mild Alzheimer’s disease: a randomised controlled study
de Waal, Hanneke,
Stam, Cornelis J.,
Lansbergen, Marieke M.,
Wieggers, Rico L.,
Kamphuis, Patrick J. G. H.,
Scheltens, Philip,
Maestú, Fernando,
van Straaten, Elisabeth C. W.
Background: Synaptic loss is a major hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Disturbed organisation of large-scale functional brain networks in AD might reflect synaptic loss and disrupted neuronal communication. The medical food Souvenaid, containing the specific nutrient combination Fortasyn Connect, is designed to enhance synapse formation and function and has been shown to improve memory performance […]