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This database contains 148 studies, archived under the term: "epidemiology"

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The Mental Activity and eXercise (MAX) trial: a randomized controlled trial to enhance cognitive function in older adults

Importance: The prevalence of cognitive impairment and dementia are projected to rise dramatically during the next 40 years, and strategies for maintaining cognitive function with age are critically needed. Physical or mental activity alone result in relatively small, domain-specific improvements in cognitive function in older adults; combined interventions may have more global effects.; Objective: To […]

The effect of stimulation therapy and donepezil on cognitive function in Alzheimer’s disease. A community based RCT with a two-by-two factorial design

Background: Progressive neurodegeneration in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) induces cognitive deterioration, and there is controversy regarding the optimal treatment strategy in early AD. Stimulation therapy, including physical exercise and cholinesterase inhibitors are both reported to postpone cognitive deterioration in separate studies. We aimed to study the effect of stimulation therapy and the additional effect of donepezil […]

HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders before and during the era of combination antiretroviral therapy: differences in rates, nature, and predictors

Combination antiretroviral therapy (CART) has greatly reduced medical morbidity and mortality with HIV infection, but high rates of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND) continue to be reported. Because large HIV-infected (HIV+) and uninfected (HIV-) groups have not been studied with similar methods in the pre-CART and CART eras, it is unclear whether CART has changed the […]

The NIH stroke scale can establish cognitive function after stroke

Background: Cognitive impairment is an important but underrecognised consequence of stroke. We investigated whether a subset of items from the NIH Stroke Scale (NIHSS) could yield valid information on cognitive status in a group of stroke patients.; Methods: 149 stroke patients from the Göteborg 70+ Stroke Study were investigated after 18 months. We extracted 4 […]

Being overweight in midlife is associated with lower cognitive ability and steeper cognitive decline in late life

Background: Although an increasing body of evidence links being overweight in midlife with an increased risk for dementia in late life, no studies have examined the association between being overweight in midlife and cognitive ability in late life. Our aim was to examine the association between being overweight in midlife as measured by body mass […]

The association of statin use and statin type and cognitive performance: analysis of the reasons for geographic and racial differences in stroke (REGARDS) study

Background: Statin use and type have been variably associated with impaired or improved cognitive performance.; Hypothesis: To assess the association of statin use and type (lipophilic vs hydrophilic) and cognitive impairment.; Methods: Cross-sectional analysis of 24 595 participants (7191 statin users and 17 404 nonusers) age > or = 45 years, from a population-based national […]

Can a tailored exercise and home hazard reduction program reduce the rate of falls in community dwelling older people with cognitive impairment: protocol paper for the i-FOCIS randomised controlled trial

Background: The rate of falls in community dwelling older people with cognitive impairment (CI) is twice that of a cognitively intact population, with almost two thirds of people with CI falling annually. Studies indicate that exercise involving balance and/or a home hazard reduction program are effective in preventing falls in cognitively intact older people. However […]

Incidence of dementia is increased in type 2 diabetes and reduced by the use of sulfonylureas and metformin

To determine incidence of dementia in type 2 diabetic (T2DM) patients, and whether there are adverse or favorable effects of oral agents (OA) in DM, we obtained a representative cohort of 800,000 from Taiwan’s National Health Insurance database. Those who, as of on January 1, 2000, were 50 years or older and dementia free (n […]

Effectiveness of nonpharmacological approaches in patients with mild cognitive impairment

Background: Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) patients are at increased risk of developing dementia. There is a conflict if cognitive interventions can improve cognitive and functional performances in order to delay the development of dementia.; Objectives: This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of a holistic cognitive rehabilitation program on patients with MCI.; Methods: The participants, […]

Health and nutrition promotion program for patients with dementia (NutriAlz): cluster randomized trial

Objective: To assess the effectiveness of health and nutrition program (NutriAlz) versus usual care on functional level in elderly people with dementia living at home, as well as on clinical practice related to nutrition and on the caregiver’s burden.; Design: Cluster randomized multi-centre study with one-year follow-up.; Setting: 11 Alzheimer outpatients and day care centres […]

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