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This database contains 139 studies, archived under the term: "adult"

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Longer duration of hormonal contraceptive use predicts better cognitive outcomes later in life

Background: The cognitive effects of postmenopausal hormone therapy (HT) have been studied extensively, but little is known about the relationship between premenopausal hormone use and cognition. Hormonal contraceptive use vs. nonuse may be a potential factor influencing cognitive processes in midlife. The aim of this study is to explore the effect of modification of hormone […]

Palliative assessment and advance care planning in severe dementia: an exploratory randomized controlled trial of a complex intervention

Patients with advanced dementia often receive poor end-of-life care. We aimed to design and pilot a palliative care and advance care plan (ACP) intervention. Patients had undergone emergency hospital admission and had severe dementia. The intervention consisted of a palliative care patient assessment which informed an ACP discussion with the carer, who was offered the […]

Mechanisms of action of a psychological intervention for dementia caregivers: effects of behavioral activation and modification of dysfunctional thoughts

Objective: Different studies show the negative effects on caregivers’ health of maladaptive thoughts and the positive effects of engaging in pleasurable activities on distress. The aim of this study is to (a) test the efficacy of a cognitive-behavioral intervention aimed at training caregivers to flexibilize maladaptive thoughts regarding caregiving and increasing their leisure activities and […]

Exemplary care as a mediator of the effects of caregiver subjective appraisal and emotional outcomes

Purpose: Exemplary care (EC) is a new construct encompassing care behaviors that warrants further study within stress process models of dementia caregiving. Previous research has examined EC within the context of cognitively intact older adult care recipients (CRs) and their caregivers (CGs). This study sought to expand our knowledge of quality of care by investigating […]

Pridopidine for the treatment of motor function in patients with Huntington’s disease (MermaiHD): a phase 3, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial

Background: Huntington’s disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder, characterised by motor, cognitive, and behavioural deficits. Pridopidine belongs to a new class of compounds known as dopaminergic stabilisers, and results from a small phase 2 study in patients with Huntington’s disease suggested that this drug might improve voluntary motor function. We aimed to assess further the […]

Randomized controlled trial of a dementia care programme for families of home-resided older people with dementia

Aim: This paper reports a study to examine the effectiveness of a 6-month dementia care programme for Chinese families living with and caring for a relative with dementia, compared with routine family support services in Hong Kong.; Background: Recognizing the adverse psychosocial health effects inherent in dementia care, different psychosocial interventions provided preliminary evidence of […]

Spine Surgery under general anesthesia may not increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease

Background: Volatile anesthetics cause Alzheimer’s disease (AD)-like neuropathology in animals. We determined whether spine surgery under general anesthesia and anesthetic choice contributed to AD development.; Methods: We searched the Clinical Data Repository of the University of Virginia for patients receiving spine surgery from January 1, 1992 to March 1, 2004. Patients with newly-diagnosed AD after […]

The effect of staff training on agitation and use of restraint in nursing home residents with dementia: a single-blind, randomized controlled trial

Introduction: Agitation is common in dementia and is associated with use of restraints and use of psychotropic drugs. The aim of this study was to determine whether an education and supervision intervention could reduce agitation and the use of restraints and antipsychotic drugs in nursing homes.; Method: Four Norwegian nursing homes were randomly allocated to […]

Sleep in dementia caregivers and the effect of a nighttime monitoring system

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine if a nighttime home monitoring system, designed to track the movements of a care recipient with dementia, would relieve worry and improve sleep in caregivers of persons with dementia.; Design and Methods: In this controlled clinical trial, 49 dementia caregivers were followed for up to 1 […]

Randomized, placebo-controlled, clinical trial of donepezil in vascular dementia: differential effects by hippocampal size

Background and Purpose: We sought to assess the efficacy and safety of donepezil in patients with vascular dementia (VaD) fulfilling National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke-Association Internationale pour la Recherche et l’Enseignement en Neurosciences criteria.; Methods: This international, multicenter, 24-week trial was conducted from March 2003 to August 2005. Patients (N=974; mean age, 73.0 […]

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