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This database contains 139 studies, archived under the term: "adult"

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Donepezil in Parkinson’s disease dementia: a randomized, double-blind efficacy and safety study

Parkinson’s disease dementia (PDD) is associated with cholinergic deficits. This report presents an efficacy and safety study of the acetylcholinesterase inhibitor donepezil hydrochloride in PDD. PDD patients (n = 550) were randomized to donepezil (5 or 10 mg) or placebo for 24 weeks. Coprimary end points were the Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale-cognitive subscale (ADAS-cog) and […]

Enhancing care for hospitalized older adults with cognitive impairment: a randomized controlled trial

Background: Approximately 40% of hospitalized older adults have cognitive impairment (CI) and are more prone to hospital-acquired complications. The Institute of Medicine suggests using health information technology to improve the overall safety and quality of the health care system.; Objective: Evaluate the efficacy of a clinical decision support system (CDSS) to improve the quality of […]

REMCARE: reminiscence groups for people with dementia and their family caregivers – effectiveness and cost-effectiveness pragmatic multicentre randomised trial

Objectives: The aim of the REMiniscence groups for people with dementia and their family CAREgivers (REMCARE) study was to assess the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of joint reminiscence groups for people with dementia and their family caregivers as compared with usual care.; Design: A multicentre, pragmatic randomised controlled trial with two parallel arms – an intervention […]

Preventing loss of independence through exercise (PLIE): a pilot clinical trial in older adults with dementia

BACKGROUND: Current dementia medications have small effect sizes, many adverse effects and do not change the disease course. Therefore, it is critically important to study alternative treatment strategies. The goal of this study was to pilot-test a novel, integrative group exercise program for individuals with mild-to-moderate dementia called Preventing Loss of Independence through Exercise (PLIE), […]

HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders before and during the era of combination antiretroviral therapy: differences in rates, nature, and predictors

Combination antiretroviral therapy (CART) has greatly reduced medical morbidity and mortality with HIV infection, but high rates of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND) continue to be reported. Because large HIV-infected (HIV+) and uninfected (HIV-) groups have not been studied with similar methods in the pre-CART and CART eras, it is unclear whether CART has changed the […]

Objective and subjective evaluation of a redesigned corridor environment in a psychiatric hospital

This study examined the impact of redesigning a corridor space within a psychiatric hospital on the behaviour of patients with dementia. In addition, patient and staff perceptions of the redesigned corridor were assessed. Data were collected through an observational tool (behavioural mapping) and a specifically design questionnaire. The findings suggest a positive impact of the […]

Being overweight in midlife is associated with lower cognitive ability and steeper cognitive decline in late life

Background: Although an increasing body of evidence links being overweight in midlife with an increased risk for dementia in late life, no studies have examined the association between being overweight in midlife and cognitive ability in late life. Our aim was to examine the association between being overweight in midlife as measured by body mass […]

CD4 nadir is a predictor of HIV neurocognitive impairment in the era of combination antiretroviral therapy

Objective: Despite immune recovery in individuals on combination antiretroviral therapy (CART), the frequency of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HANDs) remains high. Immune recovery is typically achieved after initiation of ART from the nadir, or the lowest historical CD4. The present study evaluated the probability of neuropsychological impairment (NPI) and HAND as a function of CD4 nadir […]

The association of statin use and statin type and cognitive performance: analysis of the reasons for geographic and racial differences in stroke (REGARDS) study

Background: Statin use and type have been variably associated with impaired or improved cognitive performance.; Hypothesis: To assess the association of statin use and type (lipophilic vs hydrophilic) and cognitive impairment.; Methods: Cross-sectional analysis of 24 595 participants (7191 statin users and 17 404 nonusers) age > or = 45 years, from a population-based national […]

Protocol for a randomized controlled trial evaluating the effect of physical activity on delaying the progression of white matter changes on MRI in older adults with memory complaints and mild cognitive impairment: the AIBL Active trial

Background: Older adults free of dementia but with subjective memory complaints (SMC) or mild cognitive impairment (MCI) are considered at increased risk of cognitive decline. Vascular risk factors (VRF), including hypertension, heart disease, smoking, hypercholesterolemia and lack of physical activity (PA) have been identified as modifiable risk factors contributing to cognitive decline, and white matter […]

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