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This database contains 477 studies, archived under the term: "Non-pharmacological Treatment"

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A community-based exercise programme to improve functional ability in people with Alzheimer’s disease: a randomized controlled trial

Rationale: Dementia is a common neurodegenerative condition in older age associated with functional decline across multiple domains. This decline impacts not only on the person with dementia, but also on their informal carers and health and aged care systems. With the number of people with dementia rapidly increasing and few effective treatments, there is now […]

A community-based approach to trials of aerobic exercise in aging and Alzheimer’s disease

The benefits of exercise for aging have received considerable attention in both the popular and academic press. The putative benefits of exercise for maximizing cognitive function and supporting brain health have great potential for combating Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Aerobic exercise offers a low-cost, low-risk intervention that is widely available and may have disease modifying effects. […]

From Alzheimer’s disease retrogenesis: a new care strategy for patients with advanced dementia

There is evidence that exercise may reduce the progressive cognitive dysfunction of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). However, no previous investigation has studiethe acute effects of adapted games (AG) on patients with AD. The aim of this study was to examine the acute effects of AG on the agitated behavior (rating scale Agitated Behavior Rating Scale [ABRS]) […]

Effects of two different intensities of aerobic exercise on elderly people with mild cognitive impairment: a randomized pilot study

Objective: To evaluate the effect of different intensities of aerobic exercise on elderly people with mild cognitive impairment.; Design: A randomized trial.; Setting: Residential care homes for elderly people.; Subjects: Forty-eight patients were included in the study.; Interventions: The patients were randomized in three groups. Group A performed aerobic exercise at 40% of heart rate […]

Effectiveness of Physio Acoustic Sound (PAS) therapy in demented nursing home residents with nocturnal restlessness: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Background: Many older people with neuropsychiatric disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease and frontotemporal dementia suffer from sleeping problems and often show nocturnal restlessness. Professionals and informal carers face considerable problems in solving these problems. Attempts to diminish these problems with medication in a safe and responsible manner have proven hardly effective or not effective at […]

Does theatre improve the quality of life of people with dementia?

Background: A new communication method, the “Veder method”, has recently been developed. Caregivers are trained to apply this method in a group activity (“living-room theatre activity”) for people with dementia in which theatrical stimuli are used in combination with proven emotion-oriented care methods. The aim of this exploratory study was to evaluate the added value […]

The study protocol of a cluster-randomised controlled trial of family-mediated personalised activities for nursing home residents with dementia

Background: Following admission to a nursing home, the feelings of depression and burden that family carers may experience do not necessarily diminish. Additionally, they may experience feelings of guilt and grief for the loss of a previously close relationship. At the same time, individuals with dementia may develop symptoms of depression and agitation (BPSD) that […]

Improving person-centred care in nursing homes through dementia-care mapping: design of a cluster-randomised controlled trial

Background: The effectiveness and efficiency of nursing-home dementia care are suboptimal: there are high rates of neuropsychiatric symptoms among the residents and work-related stress among the staff. Dementia-care mapping is a person-centred care method that may alleviate both the resident and the staff problems. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness […]

The effects of cognitive speed of processing training among older adults with psychometrically- defined mild cognitive impairment

Despite the growing interest in cognitive training programs as a potential non-pharmacological approach to slowing cognitive decline in mild cognitive impairment (MCI), there has been little research on the differential effectiveness of training among subtypes of MCI (i.e., amnestic, single non-amnestic, and multi-domain). The current study examined the longitudinal effects of cognitive speed of processing […]

Adherence to exercise programs and determinants of maintenance in older adults with mild cognitive impairment

After a randomized controlled trial showing that improvement on some aspects of cognitive function was related to adherence to an exercise program, determinants of adherence and maintenance were further studied. Older adults with mild cognitive impairment were contacted 6 mo after the end of exercise programs for a telephone interview addressing patterns of adherence and […]

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