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Technology-based orientation programs to support indoor travel by persons with moderate Alzheimer’s disease: impact assessment and social validation


Lancioni, Giulio E., Perilli, Viviana, O’Reilly, Mark F., Singh, Nirbhay N., Sigafoos, Jeff, Bosco, Andrea, Caffò, Alessandro O., Picucci, Luciana, Cassano, Germana, Groeneweg, Jop


Research In Developmental Disabilities, Volume: 34, No.: 1, Pages.: 286-293

Year of Publication



The present study (a) extended the assessment of an orientation program involving auditory cues (i.e., verbal messages automatically presented from the destinations) with five patients with Alzheimer’s disease, (b) compared the effects of this program with those of a program with light cues (i.e., a program in which strobe lights were used instead of the verbal messages) with the same five patients, and (c) conducted a social validation assessment of the two programs with 70 university psychology students employed as social raters. Results confirmed the effectiveness of the program with auditory cues and showed an equally strong impact of the program with light cues with all five patients. The psychology students involved in the social validation assessment provided significantly higher scores for the program involving light cues on a six-item questionnaire. Those scores suggested that this program was perceived as a practically and socially preferable choice. The implications of the findings for daily contexts dealing with patients with Alzheimer’s disease are discussed.; Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Bibtex Citation

@article{Lancioni_2013, doi = {10.1016/j.ridd.2012.08.016}, url = {}, year = 2013, month = {jan}, publisher = {Elsevier {BV}}, volume = {34}, number = {1}, pages = {286--293}, author = {Giulio E. Lancioni and Viviana Perilli and Mark F. O'Reilly and Nirbhay N. Singh and Jeff Sigafoos and Andrea Bosco and Alessandro O. Caff{`{o}} and Luciana Picucci and Germana Cassano and Jop Groeneweg}, title = {Technology-based orientation programs to support indoor travel by persons with moderate Alzheimer{textquotesingle}s disease: Impact assessment and social validation}, journal = {Research in Developmental Disabilities} }


acoustic stimulation, aged, aged, 80 and over, alzheimer disease, and, auditory, behavior therapy, cues, day care, female, for, humans, light, lighting, male, messages, methods, organization administration, orientation, photic stimulation, program evaluation, psychology, questionnaires, reproducibility of results, severity of illness index, therapy, verbal

Countries of Study


Types of Dementia

Alzheimer’s Disease

Types of Study

Cohort Study

Type of Outcomes


Type of Interventions

Non-pharmacological Treatment

Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions
