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This database contains 384 studies, archived under the term: "Other"

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Cerebrospinal fluid biomarker supported diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and rapid dementias: a longitudinal multicentre study over 10 years

To date, cerebrospinal fluid analysis, particularly protein 14-3-3 testing, presents an important approach in the identification of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease cases. However, one special point of criticism of 14-3-3 testing is the specificity in the differential diagnosis of rapid dementia. The constant observation of increased cerebrospinal fluid referrals in the national surveillance centres over the last […]

ERK2 is increased in cerebrospinal fluid of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease patients

The clinical diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) can be supported by several biochemical markers in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) such as 14-3-3 proteins and tau protein. Unfortunately, none of the currently known markers are suited for screening or seems to be directly related to the pathophysiological process. A marker fulfilling these criteria might facilitate the early […]

Effects of a low-volume, nutrient- and energy-dense oral nutritional supplement on nutritional and functional status: a randomized, controlled trial in nursing home residents

Objectives: Although oral nutritional supplements (ONS) are known to be effective to treat malnutrition in the elderly, evidence from nursing home populations, including individuals with dementia, is rare, especially with regard to functionality and well-being. A known barrier for ONS use among elderly is the volume that needs to be consumed, resulting in low compliance […]

One-year safety and tolerability profile of pridopidine in patients with Huntington disease

Objective: To assess the 1-year safety profile of the dopaminergic stabilizer pridopidine in patients with Huntington disease. Methods: Patients received pridopidine 45 mg/day for 4 weeks then pridopidine 90 mg/day for 22 weeks in this 6-month open-label extension (OLE) of the 6-month MermaiHD randomized controlled trial (RCT). Any adverse events (AEs) were recorded. Patients were […]

CSF α-synuclein concentrations do not fluctuate over hours and are not correlated to amyloid β in humans

Reports on the value of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) α-synuclein as a biomarker for dementia with Lewy bodies and Parkinson disease are contradicting. This may be explained by fluctuating CSF α-synuclein concentrations over time. Such fluctuations have been suggested for CSF amyloid β concentrations. Furthermore, a physiological relationship between α-synuclein and amyloid β has been suggested […]

Effect of the timing of acetylcholinesterase inhibitor ingestion on sleep

Many patients with Alzheimer’s disease experience sleep disturbances, and donepezil is usually prescribed for night-time administration. However, increased acetylcholine is associated with cortical arousal. We evaluated whether subjective sleep quality differed according to the timing of medication administration. Ninety-two patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease who had taken donepezil at night (n=54) or galantamine […]

Impact of a decision aid on surrogate decision-makers’ perceptions of feeding options for patients with dementia

Objectives: In advanced dementia, feeding problems are nearly universal, and families face difficult decisions about feeding options. Initial interviews for a randomized trial were used to describe surrogates’ perceptions of feeding options, and to determine whether a decision aid on feeding options in advanced dementia would improve knowledge, reduce expectation of benefit from tube feeding, […]

The most common type of FTLD-FUS (aFTLD-U) is associated with a distinct clinical form of frontotemporal dementia but is not related to mutations in the FUS gene

Frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) is clinically, pathologically and genetically heterogeneous. Recent descriptions of a pathological sub-type that is ubiquitin positive, TDP-43 negative and immunostains positive for the Fused in Sarcoma protein (FUS) raises the question whether it is associated with a distinct clinical phenotype identifiable on clinical grounds, and whether mutations in the Fused in […]

Effects of age, gender, education and race on two tests of language ability in community-based older adults

Background: Neuropsychological tests, including tests of language ability, are frequently used to differentiate normal from pathological cognitive aging. However, language can be particularly difficult to assess in a standardized manner in cross-cultural studies and in patients from different educational and cultural backgrounds. This study examined the effects of age, gender, education and race on performance […]

Diagnostic performance of cerebrospinal fluid total tau and phosphorylated tau in Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: results from the Swedish Mortality Registry

Importance: Identifying a clinical distinction between the invariably lethal prion disease Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) and nonprion rapidly progressive dementias is important and sometimes difficult; thus, reliable tools for diagnosis are in great demand.; Objective: To test the diagnostic performance of dementia cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers total tau (T-tau), phosphorylated tau (P-tau), and the T-tau to […]

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