This database contains 651 studies, archived under the term: "Cognition"
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Prevalence of anosognosia in Alzheimer’s disease
Turró-Garriga, Oriol,
Conde-Sala, Josep Lluís,
Reñé-Ramírez, Ramón,
López-Pousa, Secundino,
Gascón-Bayarri, Jordi,
Garre-Olmo, Josep
Background and Objective: Anosognosia is a disorder that affects the clinical presentation of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), increasing in frequency with the evolution of AD. The objective was to determine the prevalence of anosognosia and analyze the associated factors and predictors.; Patients and Method: Multicenter transversal and observational study of 345 AD patients. Anosognosia was assessed […]
Implications of a longitudinal cognitive intervention program in mild Alzheimer’s disease
The implications of a longitudinal (5 years) intervention program in a mild Alzheimer’s disease (mAD) patient targeting mainly the language deficits were investigated. The program had 2 parts: the intensive one included training strategies and tasks that enhanced his impairments (memory, naming, comprehension), and the second one (the next 4 years), without guidelines or teaching. […]
Mibampator (LY451395) randomized clinical trial for agitation/aggression in Alzheimer’s disease
Trzepacz, Paula T.,
Cummings, Jeffrey,
Konechnik, Thomas,
Forrester, Tammy D.,
Chang, Curtis,
Dennehy, Ellen B.,
Willis, Brian A.,
Shuler, Catherine,
Tabas, Linda B.,
Lyketsos, Constantine
Background: Mibampator, an amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid receptor potentiator, was evaluated for treatment of agitation and aggression (A/A) in Alzheimer’s disease (AD).; Methods: Outpatients (n = 132) with probable AD and A/A randomized to 12 weeks of double-blind treatment with 3-mg po mibampator or placebo were assessed using the 4-domain A/A subscale of the Neuropsychiatric Inventory […]
Treatment of sleep apnoea syndrome decreases cognitive decline in patients with Alzheimer’s disease
Troussière, Anne-Cécile,
Monaca Charley, Christelle,
Salleron, Julia,
Richard, Florence,
Delbeuck, Xavier,
Derambure, Philippe,
Pasquier, Florence,
Bombois, Stéphanie
Background: It is essential to detect and then treat factors that aggravate Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Here, we sought to determine whether or not continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy for sleep apnoea syndrome (SAS) slows the rate of cognitive decline in mild-to-moderate AD patients.; Methods: Between January 2003 and June 2011, we included consecutive, mild-to-moderate […]
A comparison of neurocognitive impairment in younger and older adults with major depression
Thomas, A. J.,
Gallagher, P.,
Robinson, L. J.,
Porter, R. J.,
Young, A. H.,
Ferrier, I. N.,
O'Brien, J. T.
Background: Neurocognitive impairment is a well-recognized feature of depression that has been reported in younger and older adults. Similar deficits occur with ageing and it is unclear whether the greater deficits in late-life depression are an ageing-related phenomenon or due to a difference in the nature of late-life depression itself. We hypothesized that ageing alone […]
Efficacy and tolerability of risperidone, yokukansan, and fluvoxamine for the treatment of behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia: a blinded, randomized trial
Teranishi, Mika,
Kurita, Masatake,
Nishino, Satoshi,
Takeyoshi, Kenji,
Numata, Yukio,
Sato, Tadahiro,
Tateno, Amane,
Okubo, Yoshiro
The descriptive term behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) is used to cover a range of noncognitive disturbances including anxiety, depression, irritability, aggression, agitation, eating disorders, and inappropriate social or sexual behaviors. Behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia are seen in about 90% of patients with dementia. We aimed to compare the efficacy and […]
Perseverative errors on the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test and brain perfusion imaging in mild Alzheimer’s disease
Terada, Seishi,
Sato, Shuhei,
Honda, Hajime,
Kishimoto, Yuki,
Takeda, Naoya,
Oshima, Etsuko,
Yokota, Osamu,
Uchitomi, Yosuke
Background: The Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) has long been used to investigate deficits in executive function in humans. The majority of studies investigating deficient WCST performance focused on the number of categories achieved (CA) and the number of perseverative errors of the Nelson type (PEN). However, there is insufficient evidence that these two measures […]