This database contains 651 studies, archived under the term: "Cognition"
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Response to cholinesterase inhibitors affects lifespan in Alzheimer’s disease
Background: A varying response to cholinesterase inhibitor (ChEI) treatment has been reported among patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Whether the individual-specific response, specific ChEI agent or dose affects mortality is unclear. We aimed to examine the relationship between the 6-month response to ChEI and lifespan. Methods: Six hundred and eighty-one deceased patients with a clinical […]
Physical activity attenuates age-related biomarker alterations in preclinical AD
Okonkwo, O. C.,
Schultz, S. A.,
Oh, J. M.,
Larson, J.,
Edwards, D.,
Cook, D.,
Koscik, R.,
Gallagher, C. L.,
Dowling, N. M.,
Carlsson, C. M.,
Bendlin, B. B.,
LaRue, A.,
Rowley, H. A.,
Christian, B. T.,
Asthana, S.,
Hermann, B. P.,
Johnson, S. C.,
Sager, M. A.
Objective: To examine whether engagement in physical activity might favorably alter the agedependent evolution of Alzheimer disease (AD)-related brain and cognitive changes in a cohort of at-risk, late-middle-aged adults. Methods: Three hundred seventeen enrollees in the Wisconsin Registry for Alzheimer’s Prevention underwent T1 MRI; a subset also underwent ¹¹C-Pittsburgh compound B–PET (n = 186) and […]
Memantine in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia: negative results
Vercelletto, Martine,
Boutoleau-Bretonnière, Claire,
Volteau, Christelle,
Puel, Michèle,
Auriacombe, Sophie,
Sarazin, Marie,
Michel, Bernard-François,
Couratier, Philippe,
Thomas-Antérion, Catherine,
Verpillat, Patrice,
Gabelle, Audrey,
Golfier, Véronique,
Cerato, Evelyne,
Lacomblez, Lucette
We tested the efficacy and tolerability of one-year treatment with memantine (10 mg bid) in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD). BvFTD patients aged 45 to 75 years, with a Mini-Mental Status Examination (MMSE) score ≥19, were enrolled in a national, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled (DBPC), Phase II trial. The primary endpoint was the CIBIC-Plus (Clinician’s Interview-Based […]
Six-month walking program changes cognitive and ADL performance in patients with Alzheimer
Motor inactivity is typical in the later stages of Alzheimer’s disease although there is evidence that physical exercise can reduce depression and enhance performance of daily activities. The aim of this study was to determine whether a walking program could reduce the functional and cognitive decline of elderly nursing home residents in the later stages […]
EHT0202 in Alzheimer’s disease: a 3-month, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study
Vellas, B.,
Sol, O.,
Snyder, P. J.,
Ousset, P. J.,
Haddad, R.,
Maurin, M.,
Lemarié, J. C.,
Désiré, L.,
Pando, M. P.
Background: EHT0202 (etazolate hydrochloride) is a new compound exhibiting both potential disease-modifying and symptomatic treatment properties in Alzheimer’s Disease increasing alpha-secretase activity and sAPP alpha secretion, as well as acting as a GABA-A receptor modulator and as a PDE-4 inhibitor.; Methods: This pilot, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel group, multicentre, Phase IIA study was conducted in […]
Cognitive rehabilitation changes memory-related brain activity in people with Alzheimer disease
van Paasschen, J.,
Clare, L.,
Yuen, K. S. L.,
Woods, R. T.,
Evans, S. J.,
Parkinson, C. H.,
Rugg, M. D.,
Linden, D. E. J.
Background: People with Alzheimer disease (AD) are capable of new learning when cognitive support is provided, suggesting that there is plasticity even in a degenerating brain. However, it is unclear how a cognition-focused intervention operates on a neural level.; Objective: The present study examined the effects of cognitive rehabilitation (CR) on memory-related brain activation in […]
Effects of SolCos model-based individual reminiscence on older adults with mild to moderate dementia due to Alzheimer disease: a pilot study
Van Bogaert, Peter,
Van Grinsven, Regine,
Tolson, Debbie,
Wouters, Kristien,
Engelborghs, Sebastiaan,
Van der Mussele, Stefan
Objective: To examine effects of individual thematically-based reminiscence sessions based on the SolCos model for older adults with dementia because of Alzheimer disease (AD) as a pilot study.; Background: Reminiscence activities are popular within nursing homes and generally considered to be enjoyable and helpful, however, there is a paucity of robust data demonstrating therapeutic impact. […]
The Indiana Alzheimer Disease Center’s Symposium on Mild Cognitive Impairment. Cognitive training in older adults: Lessons from the ACTIVE study
Unverzagt, Frederick,
Smith, David,
Rebok, George,
Marsiske, Michael,
Morris, John,
Jones, Richard,
Willis, Sherry,
Ball, Karlene,
King, Jonathan,
Koepke, Kathy,
Stoddard, Anne,
Tennstedt, Sharon
This paper is based on a presentation made during the Indiana Alzheimer Disease Center’s Symposium on Mild Cognitive Impairment on April 19, 2008. The results of the ACTIVE study (Advanced Cognitive Training for Independent and Vital Elderly) were presented at the symposium including review of previously published study findings. The ACTIVE study is a multicenter, […]