This database contains 651 studies, archived under the term: "Cognition"
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Clinical observation on effect of scalp electroacupuncture for mild cognitive impairment
Zhang, Hong,
Zhao, Ling,
Yang, Sha,
Chen, Zhigang,
Li, Yingkun,
Peng, Xiaohong,
Yang, Yulong,
Zhu, Manjia
Objective: To evaluate the therapeutic effect of scalp electroacupuncture for mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in the early stage.; Methods: Two hundred and thirty three MCI patients were randomly divided into three groups: the drug group, the scalp electroacupuncture group, and the syndrome differentiation group. For the scalp electroacupuncture group, the points of Baihui (DU 20), […]
The synergistic effect of acupuncture and computer-based cognitive training on post-stroke cognitive dysfunction: a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial of 2 × 2 factorial design
Yang, Shanli,
Ye, Haicheng,
Huang, Jia,
Tao, Jing,
Jiang, Cai,
Lin, Zhicheng,
Zheng, Guohua,
Chen, Lidian
Background: Stroke is one of the most common causes of cognitive impairment. Up to 75% of stroke survivors may be considered to have cognitive impairment, which severely limit individual autonomy for successful reintegration into family, work and social life. The clinical efficacy of acupuncture with Baihui (DU20) and Shenting (DU24) in stroke and post-stroke cognitive […]
Effects of memantine on clinical ratings, fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography measurements, and cerebrospinal fluid assays in patients with moderate to severe Alzheimer dementia: a 24-week, randomized, clinical trial
Wang, Tao,
Huang, Qiu,
Reiman, Eric M.,
Chen, Kewei,
Li, Xia,
Li, Guanjun,
Lin, Zhiguang,
Li, Chunbo,
Xiao, Shifu
Most experts consider that memantine has a symptomatic treatment, but clinical trials have not yet provided compelling evidence to support a disease-modifying effect. We investigate the effects of memantine on clinical ratings; fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) measurements, which can monitor disease-modifying effect; and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) assays in patients with moderate to severe probable […]
Is emotional memory enhancement preserved in amnestic mild cognitive impairment? Evidence from separating recollection and familiarity
Wang, Pengyun,
Li, Juan,
Li, Huijie,
Li, Bing,
Jiang, Yang,
Bao, Feng,
Zhang, Shouzi
Objective: This study investigated whether the observed absence of emotional memory enhancement in recognition tasks in patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) could be related to their greater proportion of familiarity-based responses for all stimuli, and whether recognition tests with emotional items had better discriminative power for aMCI patients than those with neutral items.; […]
Inhaled sevoflurane may promote progression of amnestic mild cognitive impairment: a prospective, randomized parallel-group study
Liu, Yongzhe,
Pan, Ningling,
Ma, Yaqun,
Zhang, Shengshuo,
Guo, Wenzhi,
Li, Haihong,
Zhou, Jingli,
Liu, Gang,
Gao, Minglong
Background: Amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) is thought to be a transitional stage between normal aging and the development of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Recent studies have suggested that the inhalational anesthetic isoflurane can induce caspase activation and apoptosis, increase aggregates of β-amyloid (Aβ) levels, and enhance Aβ aggregation. The aim of this study was to […]
Effects of fluoxetine on brain-derived neurotrophic factor serum concentration and cognition in patients with vascular dementia
Liu, Xuan,
Zhang, Junjian,
Sun, Dong,
Fan, Yuanteng,
Zhou, Hongbin,
Fu, Binfang
Background: Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors improve cognition in patients with stroke and increase the expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the rat hippocampus. However, the effects of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors on cognition and serum BDNF levels in patients with vascular dementia are largely unknown. We performed an open-label study to investigate the effects […]