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This database contains 651 studies, archived under the term: "Cognition"

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Evaluation of a Medical and Mental Health Unit compared with standard care for older people whose emergency admission to an acute general hospital is complicated by concurrent ‘confusion’: a controlled clinical trial. Acronym: TEAM: Trial of an Elderly Acute care Medical and mental health unit

Background: Patients with delirium and dementia admitted to general hospitals have poor outcomes, and their carers report poor experiences. We developed an acute geriatric medical ward into a specialist Medical and Mental Health Unit over an eighteen month period. Additional specialist mental health staff were employed, other staff were trained in the ‘person-centred’ dementia care […]

Rosiglitazone does not improve cognition or global function when used as adjunctive therapy to AChE inhibitors in mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease: two phase 3 studies

Introduction: Two phase 3 studies evaluated the efficacy and safety of rosiglitazone (RSG), a type 2 diabetes treatment, in an extended release (RSG XR) form as adjunctive therapy to ongoing acetylcholine esterase inhibitor (AChEI) treatment in AD (REFLECT-2, adjunctive to donepezil; REFLECT-3, to any AChEI). An open-label extension study (REFLECT-4) assessed RSG XR long-term safety.; […]

Dose effects associated with rivastigmine transdermal patch in patients with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease

Aim: The cholinesterase inhibitor rivastigmine is available in both oral and transdermal forms. The efficacy of oral rivastigmine appears to be dose-dependent. The current analysis investigates the effect of dose on the efficacy of the rivastigmine transdermal patch.; Methods: This was a retrospective analysis of a large, international, 24-week, randomised, placebo- and active-controlled trial (IDEAL, […]

Non-pharmacological, multicomponent group therapy in patients with degenerative dementia: a 12-month randomizied, controlled trial

Background: Currently available pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments have shown only modest effects in slowing the progression of dementia. Our objective was to assess the impact of a long-term non-pharmacological group intervention on cognitive function in dementia patients and on their ability to carry out activities of daily living compared to a control group receiving the […]

Effects of AZD3480 on cognition in patients with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease: a phase IIb dose-finding study

AZD3480 is a selective agonist of the central α4β2 and α2β2 neuronal nicotinic cholinergic receptors (NNRs). Its effects on cognition were investigated in 567 patients with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease (AD) (Mini Mental State Examination [MMSE] 12-26). Mean baseline MMSE was 21 (SD ± 3.7), with 61% of patients having mild disease (MMSE 21-26). Mean age […]

Memantine in everyday clinical practice: a comparison of studies in Germany and Greece

Background/aims: Results from German and Greek non-interventional studies were compared to investigate possible differences concerning efficacy, tolerability and compliance between both countries.; Methods: In two open-label, multicentre, non-interventional studies, 4,305 patients with mild to severe Alzheimer’s disease (AD) were treated with daily doses of 20 mg memantine for 6 months. Efficacy was assessed using the […]

Effects of a 6-month cognitive intervention on brain metabolism in patients with amnestic MCI and mild Alzheimer’s disease

The effect of cognitive intervention on brain metabolism in AD is largely unexplored. Therefore, we aimed to investigate cognitive parameters and 18FDG PET to test for effects of a cognitive intervention in patients with aMCI or mild AD. Patients with aMCI (N = 24) or mild AD (N = 15) were randomly assigned either to […]

Rivastigmine transdermal patch and capsule in Alzheimer’s disease: influence of disease stage on response to therapy

Objectives: The cholinesterase inhibitor rivastigmine is approved for the symptomatic treatment of mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease (AD). This exploratory, hypothesis-forming analysis assessed response to rivastigmine according to severity of dementia at baseline.; Methods: This was a retrospective analysis of a large randomized, placebo-controlled trial (ENA713D2320). AD patients treated with 9.5 mg/24 h rivastigmine patch, […]

A randomized double-blind study comparing 25 and 50 mg TC-1734 (AZD3480) with placebo, in older subjects with age-associated memory impairment

Cognitive decline is a feature of ageing and can be defined as normal (age-associated memory impairment) or pathological (mild cognitive impairment/Alzheimer’s disease). Stimulation of selective brain-specific neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors might offer symptomatic treatment for normal ageing. The objective of this study was to assess the safety, tolerability and efficacy of TC-1734 (AZD3480), a selective […]

A pilot usability study of MINWii, a music therapy game for demented patients

MINWii is a music therapy game for the renarcissization of demented patients. It lets players improvise or play songs of their choice by pointing at a virtual keyboard with a Wiimote Pistol. We present the results of a three-month usability study we conducted with 7 institutionalized patients suffering from mild to moderately severe Alzheimer’s disease […]

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