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This database contains 291 studies, archived under the term: "Behaviour"

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Nursing interventions in cases of agitation and dementia

This study had two objectives: firstly, to assess and compare the frequency and circumstances of agitation and, secondly, to generate decision-making aids for the treatment of agitation patients by applying a nursing intervention in cases of dementia and agitation. For that purpose, 1002 measurements of open nursing interventions in cases of agitation were obtained over […]

Motor effects of REAC in advanced Alzheimer’s disease: results from a pilot trial

We conducted a pilot, randomized, controlled trial to mainly investigate the feasibility, safety, and short-term motor effects of brain stimulation with radio electric asymmetric conveyer (REAC) technology in patients with advanced Alzheimer’s disease (AD) who also experience some gait dysfunction. Neuropostural optimization (NPO) or sham protocol was administered to 31 nursing home patients (mean [SD] […]

Orengedoku-to augmentation in cases showing partial response to yokukan-san treatment: A case report and literature review of the evidence for use of these Kampo herbal formulae

Background: Yokukan-san, a Japanese traditional herbal (Kampo) prescription, has recently gathered increasing attention due to accumulating reports showing its remarkable efficacy in treating a wide variety of diseases refractory to conventional medicine as well as the behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia. As yokukan-san has become broadly integrated with conventional medicine, augmentation therapy with other […]

Effects of Yokukansan on behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia in regular treatment for Alzheimer’s disease

Yokukansan (YKS) is used frequently against behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) together with donepezil in patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Here, we investigated the efficacy and safety of YKS in patients with AD in a non-blinded, randomized, parallel-group comparison study. Patients who had at least one symptom score of four or more on […]

A randomized, controlled cross-over trial of dermally-applied lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) oil as a treatment of agitated behaviour in dementia

Background: Lavender essential oil shows evidence of sedative properties in neurophysiological and animal studies but clinical trials of its effectiveness as a treatment of agitation in people with dementia have shown mixed results. Study methods have varied widely, however, making comparisons hazardous. To help remedy previous methodological shortcomings, we delivered high grade lavender oil in […]

Effects of dog-assisted intervention on behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia

Aim: To evaluate the effect of a dog-assisted intervention on the behavioural and psychological symptoms of residents with dementia during a six-month period.; Method: The study was conducted in eight nursing homes in Sweden. A total of 33 residents with dementia, 20 in the intervention group and 13 in the control group, were recruited. The […]

Efficacy of musical interventions in dementia: evidence from a randomized controlled trial

Although musical interventions have recently gained popularity as a non-pharmacological treatment in dementia, there is still insufficient evidence of their effectiveness. To investigate this issue, a single-center randomized controlled trial was conducted with forty-eight patients with Alzheimer’s disease or mixed dementia to compare the effects of music versus cooking interventions in the emotional, cognitive, and […]

Efficacy and safety of memantine in patients with moderate-to-severe Alzheimer’s disease: results of a pooled analysis of two randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials in Japan

Background: With the increase in the aging population, there is a pressing need to provide effective treatment options for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Memantine is an N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist used to treat AD in > 80 countries worldwide, and studies in the USA and Europe have shown it to be effective in improving language […]

The effect of Baroque music on behavioural disturbances in patients with dementia

Aim: To study the effect of Baroque music in people with dementia.; Methods: Patients in a multicultural dementia-specific aged care facility were subjected to Baroque music in a cross-over study.; Results: There were significantly more behavioural disturbances during the weeks when Baroque music was played compared to control periods (0.2 more episodes per week, P […]

Foot massage versus quiet presence on agitation and mood in people with dementia: A randomised controlled trial

Background: There is increasing interest in using complementary and alternative treatments to manage behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia such as agitation, aggression and depressed mood. Objective: To compare the effect of foot massage (intervention) and quiet presence (control) on agitation and mood in people with dementia. Design: A randomised controlled trial using a within-subjects, […]

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