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Early detection of memory impairment in people over 65 years old consulting at Health Examination Centers for the French health insurance: the EVATEM protocol


Vannier-Nitenberg, Christiane, Dauphinot, Virginie, Bongue, Bienvenu, Sass, Catherine, Rouch, Isabelle, Beauchet, Olivier, Krolak-Salmon, Pierre, Fantino, Bruno


BMC Geriatrics, Volume: 13, Pages.: 55-55

Year of Publication



Background: Only half of those living with Alzheimer’s disease in France are currently diagnosed, and only one patient in three is supported during the early stages of dementia. This study aims to evaluate three cognitive tests for their predictive ability to diagnose mild cognitive impairments and Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders. For people aged 65 years or over, presenting with a memory complaint, these tests can be performed easily during a preventative consultation.; Method/design: The EVATEM (évaluation des troubles de l’équilibre et de la mémoire (evaluation of balance and memory problems)) cohort study was designed to prospectively assess the predictive value of tests for the diagnosis of mild cognitive impairments and Alzheimer’s disease in elderly subjects aged 65 years or over. Subjects were recruited from three health examination centers that are part of the French health insurance system. If a memory complaint was identified (using a dedicated questionnaire), the five-word test, the cognitive disorders examination test and the verbal fluency test were administered during a preventative consultation. A memory consultation was performed at a University Hospital to diagnosis any potential cognitive disorder and a one-year follow-up consultation was also scheduled. We recorded 2041 cases of memory complaint at our Health Examination Centers. Cognitive tests were refused by 33.6% of people who had a memory complaint. The number of subjects sent to a University Hospital memory consultation was 832 and 74.5% of them completed this consultation. The study population therefore includes 620 subjects.; Discussion: Tests for the early diagnosis of a mild cognitive impairment or Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders should be used in centers dedicated to disease prevention. These should guide subjects with memory impairment to full memory consultations at hospitals and improve the access to early medical and behavioral support.; Trial Registration:;

Bibtex Citation

@article{Vannier_Nitenberg_2013, doi = {10.1186/1471-2318-13-55}, url = {}, year = 2013, month = {jun}, publisher = {Springer Nature}, volume = {13}, number = {1}, author = {Christiane Vannier-Nitenberg and Virginie Dauphinot and Bienvenu Bongue and Catherine Sass and Isabelle Rouch and Olivier Beauchet and Pierre Krolak-Salmon and Bruno Fantino}, title = {Early detection of memory impairment in people over 65 years old consulting at Health Examination Centers for the French health insurance: the {EVATEM} protocol}, journal = {{BMC} Geriatr} }


aged, aged, 80 and over, cohort studies, community health centers, diagnosis, early diagnosis, epidemiology, female, france, humans, insurance health, male, memory disorders, neuropsychological tests, prospective studies, psychology

Countries of Study


Types of Dementia

Alzheimer’s Disease, Dementia (general / unspecified), Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)

Types of Study

Cohort Study

Type of Outcomes

Cognition, Other


Specialist Dementia Centre Care / Memory Clinic

Type of Interventions

Diagnostic Target Identification

Diagnostic Targets

Cognition testing (inc. task driven tests such as clock drawing)