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This database contains 35 studies, archived under the term: "Specialist Dementia Centre Care / Memory Clinic"

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Effects of small-scale, home-like facilities in dementia care on residents’ behavior, and use of physical restraints and psychotropic drugs: A quasi-experimental study

Background: Small-scale, home-like care environments are increasingly implemented in institutional nursing care as a model to promote resident-directed care, although evidence on its effects is sparse. This study focuses on the effects of small-scale living facilities on the behavior of residents with dementia and use of physical restraints and psychotropic drugs. Methods: A quasi-experimental study […]

The economics of dementia-care mapping in nursing homes: A cluster-randomised controlled trial

Background: Dementia-care mapping (DCM) is a cyclic intervention aiming at reducing neuropsychiatric symptoms in people with dementia in nursing homes. Alongside an 18-month cluster-randomized controlled trial in which we studied the effectiveness of DCM on residents and staff outcomes, we investigated differences in costs of care between DCM and usual care in nursing homes. Methods: […]

Rivastigmine patch ameliorates depression in mild AD: Preliminary evidence from a 6-month open-label observational study

Here we investigated the effect of the rivastigmine patch alone on depression in 50 mild Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) patients with comorbid major depressive episode (MDE). First diagnosis acetyl-cholinesterase inhibitor and psychoactive drug-free outpatients (n = 50) were recruited in memory clinics and reassessed after 3 and 6 months. Global cognitive functioning, depressive symptoms and MDE […]

Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and Alzheimer’s disease progression in older adults: results from the Réseau sur la Maladie d’Alzheimer Français cohort

Objectives: To assess whether angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACE-I) treatment is associated with less cognitive decline in older adults with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) than in those using other hypertensive or no drugs.; Design: Four-year prospective multicenter cohort study with a biannual assessment.; Setting: Memory clinics from 16 university hospitals in France.; Participants: Community-dwelling older adults with […]

A comparison of family care infrastructure for demented elderly in inner cities and regional areas in Japan

Background: Family members’ observations of daily life are important for the diagnosis and treatment of dementia. However, elderly people are increasingly living alone, and family structures tend to differ between inner-city areas and regional areas. We aimed to compare the family caregiving infrastructure of demented elderly visiting a memory clinic.; Methods: Subjects were consecutive outpatients […]

Development and validation of the Inventory of Needs in Memory Impairment (BIG-65): illness-related needs in people with cognitive impairment and dementia

Background: There is growing evidence that individuals with cognitive impairment and dementia require systematic assessment of needs for the selection of optimal treatments. Currently no valid instrument is applicable for illness-related need assessment in this growing population.; Method: The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a new instrument (“Bedürfnisinventar bei Gedächtnisstörungen”, BIG-65) […]

Impact of molecular imaging on the diagnostic process in a memory clinic

Background: [(11)C]Pittsburgh compound B ([(11)C]PIB) and [(18)F]-2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose ([(18)F]FDG) PET measure fibrillar amyloid-β load and glucose metabolism, respectively. We evaluated the impact of these tracers on the diagnostic process in a memory clinic population.; Methods: One hundred fifty-four patients underwent paired dynamic [(11)C]PIB and static [(18)F]FDG PET scans shortly after completing a standard dementia screening. Two-year […]

The effect of Baroque music on behavioural disturbances in patients with dementia

Aim: To study the effect of Baroque music in people with dementia.; Methods: Patients in a multicultural dementia-specific aged care facility were subjected to Baroque music in a cross-over study.; Results: There were significantly more behavioural disturbances during the weeks when Baroque music was played compared to control periods (0.2 more episodes per week, P […]

Improving access to dementia care: development and evaluation of a rural and remote memory clinic

The availability, accessibility and acceptability of services are critical factors in rural health service delivery. In Canada, the aging population and the consequent increase in prevalence of dementia challenge the ability of many rural communities to provide specialized dementia care. This paper describes the development, operation and evaluation of an interdisciplinary memory clinic designed to […]

Cost-effectiveness of one year dementia follow-up care by memory clinics or general practitioners: economic evaluation of a randomised controlled trial

Objective: To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of post-diagnosis dementia treatment and coordination of care by memory clinics compared to general practitioners’ care.; Methods: A multicentre randomised trial with 175 community dwelling patients newly diagnosed with mild to moderate dementia, and their informal caregivers, with twelve months’ follow-up. Cost-effectiveness was evaluated from a societal point of view […]

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