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Your search has found 284 articles in the database for the term 'Satisfaction with care/services'

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Learning opportunities in a residential aged care facility: the role of supported placements for first-year nursing students

...The residential aged care sector is reportedly a less attractive career choice for nursing students than other sectors. Research shows that students are often fearful of working with residents...

Using silver yoga exercises to promote physical and mental health of elders with dementia in long-term care facilities

...Background: This study aimed to test the effects of yoga exercises on the physical and mental health of elderly people with dementia living in long-term care facilities.; Methods: A...

Findings from a pilot investigation of the effectiveness of a snoezelen room in residential care: should we be engaging with our residents more?

...evaluation of a Snoezelen room in residential care and compared effects with a condition in which staff took residents out to a garden. This study was therefore a comparison between...

Psychometric evaluation of the Swedish version of the Person-Centered Care Assessment Tool (P-CAT)

...Background: Person-centered care is a multidimensional concept describing good care, especially within aged care and care for people with dementia. Research studies evaluating person-centered care interventions seldom use direct...

Cognitive output of a neuropsychological stimulation program in an elderly day care center with low educated participants: An observational study

...Objective: In the present paper we present an observational study of the implementation of a Neuropsychological Stimulation Program at an Elderly Day Care Center in low-educated participants with very...

Effects of a high-intensity functional exercise programme on depressive symptoms and psychological well-being among older people living in residential care facilities: A cluster-randomized controlled trial residential care facilities.; Method: Cluster-randomized controlled study. Participants were 191 older people, aged 65-100, dependent in ADL and with Mini Mental State Examination scores between 10 and 30. One-hundred...

The adoption of pharmaceutical innovation and its impact on the treatment costs for Alzheimer’s disease in Taiwan

...innovation creates any “offsetting” effect in the sense that an increase in one component of the health care costs is offset by the decrease in the other components of health...

Effects of a psychological intervention in a primary health care center for caregivers of dependent relatives: a randomized trial

...Purpose: To assess, in the context of Primary Health Care (PHC), the effect of a psychological intervention in mental health among caregivers (CGs) of dependent relatives.; Design and Methods:...

A randomized controlled trial of an activity specific exercise program for individuals with Alzheimer disease in long-term care settings

...Objective: To determine whether an activity specific exercise program could improve ability to perform basic mobility activities in long-term care residents with Alzheimer disease (AD).; Design: Randomized, controlled, single-blinded...

A chronic grief intervention for dementia family caregivers in long-term care

...Dementia caregivers do not relinquish their role after placing family members in long-term care and they experience increased chronic grief. The Chronic Grief Management Intervention (CGMI) is a12-week group-based...

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