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Your search has found 95 articles in the database for the term 'Carer%20satisfaction'

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Effectiveness of a psychoeducational intervention group program in the reduction of the burden experienced by caregivers of patients with dementia: the EDUCA-II randomized trial

We conducted a multicenter, prospective, evaluator-blinded, 2-arm parallel randomized trial to compare the effectiveness of a group psychoeducational intervention (PIP) with that of standard care in dementia caregivers....

Long-term effects of group therapy for patients with mild cognitive impairment and their significant others: a 6- to 8-month follow-up study

The present study examines the long-term effects of a 10-session cognitive behavioural group therapy for patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and their significant others 6 to 8...

Does a family meetings intervention prevent depression and anxiety in family caregivers of dementia patients? A randomized trial

Background: Family caregivers of dementia patients are at increased risk of developing depression or anxiety. A multi-component program designed to mobilize support of family networks demonstrated effectiveness in...

Memantine improves goal attainment and reduces caregiver burden in Parkinson’s disease with dementia

Objective: Memantine, an uncompetitive antagonist of N‐methyl‐D‐aspartate receptors, may have a role in managing symptoms associated with dementia in Parkinson’s disease (PDD), although its role in improving patient‐reported...

Effectiveness of case management among older adults with early symptoms of dementia and their primary informal caregivers: a randomized clinical trial

Background: It is believed that timely recognition and diagnosis of dementia is a pre-condition for improving care for both older adults with dementia and their informal caregivers. However,...

Contribution of relaxation to a psychoeducational intervention program for family carers of persons with Alzheimer’s disease

...analyses showed that RG intervention was beneficial for more carers than CG intervention.; Discussion: this study suggests that integrating relaxation techniques into psychoeducational interventions is beneficial for caregivers of people...

L’apport de la relaxation à un programme d’intervention psychoéducatif destiné aux aidants familiaux de personnes atteintes de maladie d’Alzheimer. = Contribution of relaxation to a psychoeducational intervention program for family carers of persons with Alzheimer’s disease

...showed that RG intervention was beneficial for more carers than CG intervention. Discussion: this study suggests that integrating relaxation techniques into psychoeducational interventions is beneficial for caregivers of people with...

A biobehavioral home-based intervention and the well-being of patients with dementia and their caregivers: the COPE randomized trial

Context: Optimal treatment to postpone functional decline in patients with dementia is not established.; Objective: To test a nonpharmacologic intervention realigning environmental demands with patient capabilities.; Design, Setting,...

Effects of a psychological intervention in a primary health care center for caregivers of dependent relatives: a randomized trial

Purpose: To assess, in the context of Primary Health Care (PHC), the effect of a psychological intervention in mental health among caregivers (CGs) of dependent relatives.; Design and...

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