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Your search has found 244 articles in the database for the term 'Reduced ICU Use'

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Cilostazol add-on therapy in patients with mild dementia receiving donepezil: A retrospective study

...elderly. We investigated whether the phosphodiesterase III inhibitor cilostazol, which is often used in the prevention of stroke and peripheral artery disease, may delay cognitive decline in the elderly receiving...

Impact of a community based implementation of REACH II program for caregivers of Alzheimer’s patients

Background: In 2009 an estimated 5.3 million people in the United States were afflicted with Alzheimer’s disease, a degenerative form of dementia. The impact of this disease is...

Informant-reported cognitive symptoms that predict amnestic mild cognitive impairment

...the use of a comprehensive neuropsychological examination to make a differential diagnosis. However, the ability to identify cognitive symptoms that are predictive of aMCI through informant-based information may provide some...

Dietary intake of vitamin D and cognition in older women: a large population-based study

Background: Serum vitamin D concentrations are associated with global cognitive function among older adults. The benefits of vitamin D intake to treat or prevent cognitive impairment remain unknown....

What predicts cognitive decline in de novo Parkinson’s disease?

...equivalent dose at follow-up. The combined use of clinical structured examination and brain functional assessment by means of dual single photon emission computed tomography imaging appears as a powerful approach...

Using the Montessori approach for a clientele with cognitive impairments: A quasi-experimental study design

...enabled its authors to corroborate the findings presented in the literature and to contribute additional elements on the positive effects of the use of Montessori activities and philosophy. Used with...

Factors to make the VIPS practice model more effective in the treatment of neuropsychiatric symptoms in nursing home residents with dementia

...size on both scales and was considerably higher than at the institutional level. Conclusion: The unit is the most influential level when implementing person-centred dementia care by use of the...

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