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Your search has found 202 articles in the database for the term 'Reduced Hospital Costs'

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Effectiveness of a psychoeducational intervention group program in the reduction of the burden experienced by caregivers of patients with dementia: the EDUCA-II randomized trial

We conducted a multicenter, prospective, evaluator-blinded, 2-arm parallel randomized trial to compare the effectiveness of a group psychoeducational intervention (PIP) with that of standard care in dementia caregivers....

Animal-assisted therapy and agitation and depression in nursing home residents with dementia: a matched case-control trial

Objectives: To investigate the efficacy of animal-assisted therapy (AAT) on symptoms of agitation/aggression and depression in nursing home residents with dementia in a randomized controlled trial. Previous studies...

Animal-assisted therapy and agitation and depression in nursing home residents with dementia: A matched case–control trial

Objectives: To investigate the efficacy of animal-assisted therapy (AAT) on symptoms of agitation/aggression and depression in nursing home residents with dementia in a randomized controlled trial. Previous studies...

Evaluation of a computer-assisted errorless learning-based memory training program for patients with early Alzheimer’s disease in Hong Kong: a pilot study

Background: Improving the situation in older adults with cognitive decline and evidence of cognitive rehabilitation is considered crucial in long-term care of the elderly. The objective of this...

Risk of cerebrovascular accident associated with use of antipsychotics: population-based case-control study

Objectives: To explore the association between use of antipsychotics and risk of cerebrovascular accident (CVA) in individuals with dementia aged 65 and older.; Design: Population-based case-control study.; Setting:...

Effect of methylphenidate on attention in apathetic AD patients in a randomized, placebo-controlled trial

Background: Little is known about the effect of methylphenidate (MPH) on attention in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). MPH has shown to improve apathy in AD, and both apathy and...

A multicenter, open-label, 24-week follow-up study for efficacy on cognitive function of donepezil in Binswanger-type subcortical vascular dementia

Objectives: To evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of donepezil in patients with Binswanger type subcortical vascular dementia.; Methods: Patients (n = 34, mean age = 71.8 + 7.12)...

Does an interdisciplinary network improve dementia care? Results from the IDemUck-study

Background: Most persons with dementia live at home and are treated in the primary care. However, the ambulatory health care system in Germany contains a lot of “interface...

Antihypertensive therapy and cerebral hemodynamics in executive mild cognitive impairment: results of a pilot randomized clinical trial

Objectives: To compare the effects of three antihypertensive medications on cerebral hemodynamic and cognitive function in hypertensive individuals with executive dysfunction.; Design: Double-blind randomized clinical trial.; Setting: Community.;...

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