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Your search has found 196 articles in the database for the term 'Fewer life sustaining treatments'

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Impact of smoking on cognitive decline in early old age: the Whitehall II cohort study

...Context: Smoking is a possible risk factor for dementia, although its impact may have been underestimated in elderly populations because of the shorter life span of smokers.; Objective: To...

Contribution of relaxation to a psychoeducational intervention program for family carers of persons with Alzheimer’s disease

Unlabelled: Family caregivers of people with Alzheimer’s disease are at high risk of psychological and physical morbidity due to the daily caring experience.; Objectives: to evaluate the impact...

High fruit and vegetable intake is positively correlated with antioxidant status and cognitive performance in healthy subjects

...amounts of fruits and vegetables. Modification of nutritional habits aimed at increasing intake of fruits and vegetables should be encouraged to lower prevalence of cognitive impairment in later life.;...

Validation of a cognitive assessment battery administered over the telephone

...working memory; global cognitive functioning; and self-reported measures of perceived memory problems, depressive symptoms, sleep disturbance, and health-related quality of life. Test-retest reliability, concurrent validity, relative bias associated with telephone...

Physical activity and cognitive functioning in the oldest old: Within- and between-person cognitive activity and psychosocial mediators

The current study examines the role of social contact intensity, cognitive activity, and depressive symptoms as within- and between-person mediators for the relationships between physical activity and cognitive...

Early 11C-PIB frames and 18F-FDG PET measures are comparable: a study validated in a cohort of AD and FTLD patients useful in differentiating causes of dementia during life. In this study, we investigated whether early (11)C-Pittsburgh compound B ((11)C-PIB) PET frames (perfusion (11)C-PIB [pPIB]) could provide information equivalent to...

Efficacy of a medical food in mild Alzheimer’s disease: A randomized, controlled trial

...Input, 12-item Neuropsychiatric Inventory, Alzheimer’s disease Co-operative Study-Activities of Daily Living, Quality of Life in Alzheimer’s Disease) were unchanged. The control group neither deteriorated nor improved. Compliance was excellent (95%)...

Implications of a longitudinal cognitive intervention program in mild Alzheimer’s disease

...later) showed retained improvement to delayed memory tasks, language and general cognitive state. Long life cognitive programs retrograde the mAD and seem to maintain the independence of the patient and...

A comparison of family care infrastructure for demented elderly in inner cities and regional areas in Japan

...Background: Family members’ observations of daily life are important for the diagnosis and treatment of dementia. However, elderly people are increasingly living alone, and family structures tend to differ...

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