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Your search has found 126 articles in the database for the term 'Likely to be cost effective'

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Effectiveness of cognitive training in Chinese older people with subjective cognitive complaints: a randomized placebo-controlled trial

...both T2 (F(2, 200) = 6.329, p = 0.002, η(2) = 0.060) and T3 (F(2, 189) = 3.294, p = 0.039, η(2) = 0.034).; Conclusions: Cognitive training was effective in...

A multicenter, open-label, 24-week follow-up study for efficacy on cognitive function of donepezil in Binswanger-type subcortical vascular dementia

...more effective in frontal and memory domains than the other subgroup (SNSB-D < 100). Withdrawal rates due to adverse events were very low (4.16%).; Conclusions: Donepezil-treated patients with Binswanger type...

Self-regulated music stimulation for persons with Alzheimer’s disease: impact assessment and social validation

...six-item questionnaire dealing, among others, with conditions’ suitability, respect of patients’ dignity and independence, and practicality.; Conclusion: An active music stimulation condition can be viable, effective, and socially preferable.;...

Engaging older adults with dementia in creative occupations using artificially intelligent assistive technology

...all participants found ePAD engaging but did not find prompts effective. Future development of ePAD includes improving the prompts, implementing the recommendations made by participants in this research, and long-term...

Galantamine versus risperidone treatment of neuropsychiatric symptoms in patients with probable dementia: an open randomized trial improved NPSD symptoms and were equally effective in treating several NPI domains. However, risperidone showed a significant treatment advantage in the NPI domains irritation and agitation, F(1, 97) =...

Comparison of the effects of transdermal andoral rivastigmine on cognitive function and EEG markers in patients with Alzheimer’s disease

...power and significantly higher cognitive function at 18 months, compared with RV-CP treatment. Our findings suggest that RV-TDP provides an effective long-term management option in patients with AD compared with...

Comparing the effects of different individualized music interventions for elderly individuals with severe dementia

...dementia patients’ relationships with others and improving QOL. The registration number of the trial and the name of the trial registry are UMIN000008801 and “Examination of Effective Nursing Intervention for...

Differential effects of current specific treatments on behavioral and psychological symptoms in patients with Alzheimer’s disease: a 12-month, randomized, open-label trial

...suggests that specific drugs for AD, especially memantine and rivastigmine, may be effective in the improvement of BPSD in patients with mild to moderate AD, without major side effects.;...

The study protocol of a blinded randomised-controlled cross-over trial of lavender oil as a treatment of behavioural symptoms in dementia

...the few minutes it takes to massage the oil to the resident’s forearms.; Discussion: If our results show that the use of lavender oil is effective in reducing challenging behaviours...

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