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This database contains 556 studies, archived under the term: "dementia"

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The study protocol of a cluster-randomised controlled trial of family-mediated personalised activities for nursing home residents with dementia

Background: Following admission to a nursing home, the feelings of depression and burden that family carers may experience do not necessarily diminish. Additionally, they may experience feelings of guilt and grief for the loss of a previously close relationship. At the same time, individuals with dementia may develop symptoms of depression and agitation (BPSD) that […]

Improving person-centred care in nursing homes through dementia-care mapping: design of a cluster-randomised controlled trial

Background: The effectiveness and efficiency of nursing-home dementia care are suboptimal: there are high rates of neuropsychiatric symptoms among the residents and work-related stress among the staff. Dementia-care mapping is a person-centred care method that may alleviate both the resident and the staff problems. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness […]

Study of the effects of vinpocetin on cognitive functions

Introduction: Chronic cerebral hypoperfusion is a risk factor for the development of certain types of dementia. Mild cognitive impairment is a stage of predementia condition, because the symptoms are similar but not as severe as the symptoms in patients with dementia. Vinpocetine, due to its complex mechanism of action, has an important role in the […]

The prevalence of dementia and depression in Taiwanese institutionalized leprosy patients, and the effectiveness evaluation of reminiscence therapy–a longitudinal, single-blind, randomized control study

Objective: This study investigated the prevalence of depression and dementia in long-term institutionalized older leprosy patients in Taiwan. We then examined the effectiveness of reminiscence group therapy on depressive symptoms and cognitive function in this population.; Methods: We recruited 129 long-term institutionalized older leprosy patients in Taiwan and used the Geriatric Depression Scale-Short Form (GDS-SF), […]

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for anxiety in people with dementia: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

Background: Many people with dementia experience anxiety, which can lead to decreased independence, relationship difficulties and increased admittance to care homes. Anxiety is often treated with antipsychotic medication, which has limited efficacy and serious side effects. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is widely used to treat anxiety in a range of populations, yet no RCTs on […]

Hormone levels and cognitive function in postmenopausal midlife women

Gonadal hormones may influence cognitive function. Postmenopausal midlife women in the population-based Melbourne Women’s Midlife Health Project cohort were administered a comprehensive battery of neuropsychological tests on two occasions 2 years apart. Participants (n = 148, mean age 60 years) had undergone natural menopause and were not using hormone therapy. Estrone, total and free estradiol, […]

Treatment of dementia patients with fracture of the proximal femur in a specialized geriatric care unit compared to conventional geriatric care

To prove the efficiency of a specialized geriatric ward (cognitive geriatric unit, CGU) for patients with a fracture of the proximal femur and additional dementia, we conducted a matched-pair analysis comparing 96 patients with fracture of the proximal femur and additional dementia matched for age, sex, surgical treatment and the degree of cognitive impairment by […]

Effectiveness of a condensed protocol for disclosing APOE genotype and providing risk education for Alzheimer disease

Purpose: Brief, effective models of patient genetic education are needed for common, complex diseases. Using Alzheimer disease as a model, we compared participants’ risk knowledge and recall in extended versus condensed education protocols.; Methods: A four-site randomized clinical trial enrolled 280 first-degree relatives of individuals with Alzheimer disease (mean age = 58 years, 71% female); […]

Ageing in general practice (AGP) trial: a cluster randomised trial to examine the effectiveness of peer education on GP diagnostic assessment and management of dementia

Background: Dementia is increasing in prevalence as the population ages. An earlier rather than later diagnosis allows persons with dementia and their families to plan ahead and access appropriate management. However, most diagnoses are made by general practitioners (GPs) later in the course of the disease and are associated with management that is poorly adherent […]

Dementia care in the general practice setting: a cluster randomized trial on the effectiveness and cost impact of three management strategies

Objective: To compare a complex nondrug intervention including actively approaching counseling and caregiver support groups with differing intensity against usual care with respect to time to institutionalization in patients with dementia.; Methods: Within this three-armed cluster-randomized controlled trial, 390 community-dwelling patients aged 65 years or older with physician-diagnosed mild to moderate dementia and their caregivers […]

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