This database contains 7 studies, archived under the term: "International Journal Of Nursing Studies"
Empowering older people with early dementia and family caregivers: A participatory action research study
Nomura, Michie,
Makimoto, Kiyoko,
Kato, Motoko,
Shiba, Tamami,
Matsuura, Chieko,
Shigenobu, Kazue,
Ishikawa, Tomohisa,
Matsumoto, Naomi,
Ikeda, Manabu
Background: The increase in the number of people suffering from dementia is of increasing global concern. A survey on the living conditions of the elderly in a Japanese rural community revealed a high prevalence of early dementia and the necessity for interventions not only for the elderly with early dementia but also for their families. […]
Staff outcomes from the caring for aged dementia care resident study (CADRES): a cluster randomised trial
Jeon, Yun-Hee,
Luscombe, Georgina,
Chenoweth, Lynn,
Stein-Parbury, Jane,
Brodaty, Henry,
King, Madeleine,
Haas, Marion
Background: Dementia care mapping and person centred care are well-accepted as processes for improving care and well-being for persons with dementia living in the residential setting. However, the impact of dementia care mapping and person centred care on staff has not been well researched.; Objectives: The impact of person centred care and dementia care mapping […]
The introduction of a nursing guideline on depression at psychogeriatric nursing home wards: effects on certified nurse assistants
Verkaik, Renate,
Francke, Anneke L.,
van Meijel, Berno,
Spreeuwenberg, Peter M. M.,
Ribbe, Miel W.,
Bensing, Jozien M.
Background: To improve care for residents with depression in dementia, an evidence based nursing guideline was developed. Using the guideline has already shown positive effects on depression in psychogeriatric nursing home residents.; Objective: To study the effects of the introduction of the nursing guideline ‘depression in dementia’ on perceived professional autonomy, workload and feelings of […]
Quality of life of residents with dementia in traditional versus small-scale long-term care settings: a quasi-experimental study
de Rooij, Alida H. P. M.,
Luijkx, Katrien G.,
Schaafsma, Juliette,
Declercq, Anja G.,
Emmerink, Peggy M. J.,
Schols, Jos M. G. A.
Background: The number of people living with dementia worldwide is increasing, resulting in a need for more residential care. In response to criticism of the traditional medical approach to residential dementia care, many large nursing homes are transforming their traditional care facilities into more home-like small-scale living facilities.; Objectives: This study examined the assumed benefits […]
Coming to grips with challenging behaviour: A cluster randomised controlled trial on the effects of a new care programme for challenging behaviour on burnout, job satisfaction and job demands of care staff on dementia special care units
Zwijsen, S. A.,
Gerritsen, D.L.,
Eefsting, J.A.,
Smalbrugge, M.,
Hertogh, C. M. P. M.,
Pot, A.M.
Background: Caring for people with dementia in dementia special care units is a demanding job. Challenging behaviour is one of the factors influencing the job satisfaction and burnout of care staff. A care programme for the challenging behaviour of nursing home residents with dementia might, next to diminishing the challenging behaviour of residents, improve job […]
Foot massage versus quiet presence on agitation and mood in people with dementia: A randomised controlled trial
Moyle, Wendy,
Cooke, Marie Louise,
Beattie, Elizabeth,
Shum, David H.K.,
O’Dwyer, Siobhan T.,
Barrett, Sue
Background: There is increasing interest in using complementary and alternative treatments to manage behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia such as agitation, aggression and depressed mood. Objective: To compare the effect of foot massage (intervention) and quiet presence (control) on agitation and mood in people with dementia. Design: A randomised controlled trial using a within-subjects, […]
Effectiveness of case management among older adults with early symptoms of dementia and their primary informal caregivers: a randomized clinical trial
Jansen, Aaltje P.D.,
van Hout, Hein P.J.,
Nijpels, Giel,
Rijmen, Frank,
Dröes, Rose-Marie,
Pot, Anne-Margriet,
Schellevis, François G.,
Stalman, Wim A.B.,
van Marwijk, Harm W.J.
Background: It is believed that timely recognition and diagnosis of dementia is a pre-condition for improving care for both older adults with dementia and their informal caregivers. However, diagnosing dementia often occurs late in the disease. This means that a significant number of patients with early symptoms of dementia and their informal caregivers may lack […]