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This database contains 2 studies, archived under the term: "Gerontology"

Spaced retrieval significantly improves prospective memory performance of cognitively impaired older adults

Background: Although memory for future intentions (prospective memory, PM) is compromised in older adults with cognitive impairment, the effectiveness of specific training techniques to help these older adults with PM tasks remains unclear.; Objective: The present study examined the effectiveness of spaced retrieval (rehearsing at increasingly spaced intervals) as an intervention for improving PM in […]

Group therapy for patients with mild cognitive impairment and their significant others: Results of a waiting-list controlled trial

Background: Patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) have to deal with an uncertain prognosis and also face a multitude of memory-related problems and psychosocial consequences. A newly developed group programme proved to be feasible, however, it needed confirmation by a controlled study. Aim: This controlled study evaluates this group therapy for MCI patients aimed to […]

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