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This database contains 3 studies, archived under the term: "Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice"

Longitudinal analysis of differential effects on agitation of a therapeutic wander garden for dementia patients based on ambulation ability

A growth model within the framework of hierarchical linear modeling was used to assess the impact of visiting a wander garden on monthly agitation levels of a group of elderly veterans diagnosed with dementia, with attention to their ambulatory ability. A sample of 34 veterans residing in a locked ward in a dementia unit was […]

Nursing interventions in cases of agitation and dementia

This study had two objectives: firstly, to assess and compare the frequency and circumstances of agitation and, secondly, to generate decision-making aids for the treatment of agitation patients by applying a nursing intervention in cases of dementia and agitation. For that purpose, 1002 measurements of open nursing interventions in cases of agitation were obtained over […]

Service users’ involvement in the development of a maintenance cognitive stimulation therapy (CST) programme: A comparison of the views of people with dementia, staff and family carers

This study reports on the process of developing a maintenance programme manual following the Medical Research Council guidelines representing the ‘phase I’ or modelling. This study uses an inductive thematic analysis approach to examine user perceptions on the maintenance cognitive stimulation therapy (CST) programme. Three focus groups were carried out with people with dementia, three […]

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