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This database contains 477 records archived under the term "Non-pharmacological Treatment". Narrow your results, or explore this archive further by selecting from the filters below...
Objectives: To test whether a decision aid improves quality of decision‐making about feeding options in advanced dementia. Design: Cluster randomized controlled trial. Setting: Twenty‐four nursing homes in North Carolina. Participants: Residents with advanced dementia and feeding problems and their surrogates. Intervention: Intervention surrogates received an audio or print decision aid on feeding options in advanced […]
Objectives: We reported the findings of a randomized controlled trial (RCT) to examine the effects of an individualized functional enhancement program (FEP) on functional skills and mood symptoms in mild and moderate dementia. Subjects & Methods: 74 Chinese older persons with dementia were recruited into a skills training program by occupational therapists (OT). Thirty seven […]
A qualitative thematic approach was used to explore musicians’ views and experiences of delivering a music intervention and its efficacy for people with dementia in long-term care. Two musicians who delivered the intervention in a randomized controlled trial were interviewed using a semistructured schedule. The data were sorted, categorized, and thematically analyzed. Two themes emerged: […]
Older adults with a cognitive impairment in residential care settings are often found to be inactive throughout the day. Participation in video games holds promise for these individuals; however, effects of video games played by older adults have not been studied consistently and the few studies conducted have yielded mixed results. The purpose of this […]
Background: A multicomponent psychological intervention designed to alleviate neuropsychiatric symptoms and to improve communication in mild to moderate dementia was evaluated in a controlled trial. Components were (1) TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and related Communication handicapped Children)-based cognitive-behavioral and environmental interventions adapted for dementia and (2) music therapy. Methods: In a Pre-post design, […]
Background: The increase in the number of people suffering from dementia is of increasing global concern. A survey on the living conditions of the elderly in a Japanese rural community revealed a high prevalence of early dementia and the necessity for interventions not only for the elderly with early dementia but also for their families. […]
Context: Many observational studies have shown that physical activity reduces the risk of cognitive decline; however, evidence from randomized trials is lacking. Objective: To determine whether physical activity reduces the rate of cognitive decline among older adults at risk. Design and Setting: Randomized controlled trial of a 24-week physical activity intervention conducted between 2004 and […]
The prevalence of behavioural problems in nursing home residents with dementia is high. Knowledge based on practical experiences suggests that problems diminish when caregivers are better able to recognize and acknowledge the individual psychosocial needs of residents. Dementia Care Mapping (DCM) is a method designed to support caregivers in providing person centered care. After implementing […]
People with dementia of the Alzheimer type (DAT) may well be emotionally soothed by listening to music. However, very few systematic studies have been conducted to support the anecdotal evidence. DAT does damage certain cerebral structures that subsume emotional processing, and some studies have demonstrated deficits affecting emotional judgments of facial expression and prosody in […]
Objective: The International Outcomes Survey in Dementia (IOSID) was initiated to observe the effects of current standard of care for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) on patient outcomes and caregiver burden in a real-life setting. Research design and methods: This 2-year, international, prospective, longitudinal and observational cohort survey involved patients with mild-to-moderate AD (Mini-Mental State Examination [MMSE] […]
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