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This database contains 438 studies, archived under the term: "USA"

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A brief clinical tool to assess physical function: the mini-physical performance test

The aim was to develop a brief physical performance assessment tool that can be reliably used to detect physical impairment in older adults with and without mild dementia. Scores on the 9-item physical performance test (PPT) from non-demented participants were used to develop and validate the 4-item mini-PPT. The validated mini-PPT was then used to […]

Mindfulness-based stress reduction for family caregivers: a randomized controlled trial

Purpose: Caring for a family member with dementia is associated with chronic stress, which can have significant deleterious effects on caregivers. The purpose of the Balance Study was to compare a mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) intervention to a community caregiver education and support (CCES) intervention for family caregivers of people with dementia.; Design and Methods: […]

The northwestern anagram test: measuring sentence production in primary progressive aphasia

Primary progressive aphasia (PPA) is a clinical dementia syndrome with early symptoms of language dysfunction. Postmortem findings are varied and include Alzheimer disease and frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD), both tauopathies and TAR DNA binding protein (TDP-43) proteinopathies. Clinical-pathological correlations in PPA are complex but the presence in the clinical profile of agrammatism has a high […]

Outcomes of interventions for Alzheimer’s family caregivers in Mexico

The study examines which of three interventions of cognitive conduct, laughter, or a mixed intervention including both cognitive conduct and laughter components, is more effective for improvement of attitudes toward care and reduction of anxiety among female Mexican caregivers of family members with Alzheimer’s disease. A repeated measures quasi-experimental design with four groups, three experimental […]

Physical activity attenuates age-related biomarker alterations in preclinical AD

Objective: To examine whether engagement in physical activity might favorably alter the agedependent evolution of Alzheimer disease (AD)-related brain and cognitive changes in a cohort of at-risk, late-middle-aged adults. Methods: Three hundred seventeen enrollees in the Wisconsin Registry for Alzheimer’s Prevention underwent T1 MRI; a subset also underwent ¹¹C-Pittsburgh compound B–PET (n = 186) and […]

Do nurse-led skill training interventions affect informal caregivers’ out-of-pocket expenditures?

Purpose Of the Study: This paper is a report of a study of the Assistance, Support, and Self-health Initiated through Skill Training (ASSIST) randomized control trial. The aim of this paper is to understand whether participating in ASSIST significantly changed the out-of-pocket (OOP) costs for family caregivers of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) or Parkinson’s disease (PD) […]

A randomized controlled trial for an individualized positive psychosocial intervention for the affective and behavioral symptoms of dementia in nursing home residents

Objectives: This randomized controlled study tested the effectiveness of individualized activities, led by certified nursing assistants (CNAs), to increase positive and reduce negative affect and behavior among nursing home residents with dementia. Method: Nursing home residents with mild to advanced dementia (N = 180) were randomly assigned to usual care (UC, n = 93) or […]

The Indiana Alzheimer Disease Center’s Symposium on Mild Cognitive Impairment. Cognitive training in older adults: Lessons from the ACTIVE study

This paper is based on a presentation made during the Indiana Alzheimer Disease Center’s Symposium on Mild Cognitive Impairment on April 19, 2008. The results of the ACTIVE study (Advanced Cognitive Training for Independent and Vital Elderly) were presented at the symposium including review of previously published study findings. The ACTIVE study is a multicenter, […]

Frequently observed risk factors for fall-related injuries and effective preventive interventions: a multihospital survey of nurses’ perceptions

There is an urgent need to prioritize the risk factors for injurious falls and effective interventions in nursing practice. Registered nurses perceived that the most frequently observed risk factors were confusion, gait problems, Alzheimer disease, disorientation, and inability to follow safety instructions. The most effective interventions were keeping hospital bed brakes locked, keeping floor surfaces […]

A pilot cluster-randomized trial of a 20-week Tai Chi program in elders with cognitive impairment and osteoarthritic knee: effects on pain and other health outcomes

Context: Because Tai Chi (TC) is beneficial to elders without cognitive impairment (CI), it also may benefit elders with CI. But elders with CI have generally been excluded from TC studies because many measurement tools require verbal reports that some elders with CI are unable to provide.; Objectives: To test the efficacy of a TC […]

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