This database contains 97 studies, archived under the term: "Germany"
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Longitudinal changes of fractional anisotropy in Alzheimer’s disease patients treated with galantamine: a 12-month randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blinded study
Likitjaroen, Y.,
Meindl, T.,
Friese, U.,
Wagner, M.,
Buerger, K.,
Hampel, H.,
Teipel, S. J.
Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) demonstrates decline of fractional anisotropy (FA) as a marker of fiber tract integrity in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). We aimed to assess the longitudinal course of white matter microstructural changes in AD and healthy elderly control (HC) subjects and to evaluate the effects of treatment with the cholinesterase inhibitor galantamine on white […]
Memantine prevents hypoglycemia-induced decrements of the cerebral energy status in healthy subjects
Willenborg, B.,
Schmoller, A.,
Caspary, J.,
Melchert, U. H.,
Scholand-Engler, H. G.,
Jauch-Chara, K.,
Hohagen, F.,
Schweiger, U.,
Oltmanns, K. M.
Context: The risk to develop dementia is significantly increased in diabetes mellitus. Memantine, an N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist, which is clinically applied in dementia, has been shown to exert neuroprotective effects under hypoglycemic conditions in rats.; Objective: We hypothesized that memantine may prevent hypoglycemia-induced decrements in the cerebral high-energy phosphate, i.e. ATP, metabolism to exert its […]
CORDIAL: cognitive rehabilitation and cognitive-behavioral treatment for early dementia in Alzheimer disease: a multicenter, randomized, controlled trial
Kurz, Alexander,
Thöne-Otto, Angelika,
Cramer, Barbara,
Egert, Silvia,
Frölich, Lutz,
Gertz, Hermann-Josef,
Kehl, Victoria,
Wagenpfeil, Stefan,
Werheid, Katja
Cognitive rehabilitation (CR) is a promising treatment approach for older adults with dementia because it aims at supporting the management of day-to-day problems. There is insufficient evidence regarding whether CR provides clinically meaningful benefits. In this study, we evaluated the feasibility, acceptance, efficacy, and usefulness of a CR intervention in a multicenter, randomized, controlled trial […]
Ginkgo biloba extract EGb 761® in dementia with neuropsychiatric features: a randomised, placebo-controlled trial to confirm the efficacy and safety of a daily dose of 240 mg
Herrschaft, Horst,
Nacu, Anatol,
Likhachev, Sergey,
Sholomov, Ilya,
Hoerr, Robert,
Schlaefke, Sandra
A multi-centre, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, 24-week trial with 410 outpatients was conducted to demonstrate efficacy and safety of a 240 mg once-daily formulation of Ginkgo biloba extract EGb 761(®) in patients with mild to moderate dementia (Alzheimer’s disease or vascular dementia) associated with neuropsychiatric symptoms. Patients scored 9 to 23 on the SKT cognitive battery, […]
Negative impact of borderline global cognitive scores on quality of life after subthalamic nucleus stimulation in Parkinson’s disease
Witt, Karsten,
Daniels, Christine,
Krack, Paul,
Volkmann, Jens,
Pinsker, Markus O.,
Kloss, Manja,
Tronnier, Volker,
Schnitzler, Alfons,
Wojtecki, Lars,
Bötzel, Kai,
Danek, Adrian,
Hilker, Rüdiger,
Sturm, Volker,
Kupsch, Andreas,
Karner, Elfriede,
Deuschl, Günther
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) significantly improves quality of life (QoL) in Parkinson’s disease (PD). Dementia is considered as a contraindication for STN-DBS. However, no controlled study assessed the impact of STN-DBS on the QoL and motor outcome in PD patients with a borderline global cognitive impairment. We studied clinical baseline […]
Increased CSF APPs-α levels in patients with Alzheimer disease treated with acitretin
Endres, Kristina,
Fahrenholz, Falk,
Lotz, Johannes,
Hiemke, Christoph,
Teipel, Stefan,
Lieb, Klaus,
Tüscher, Oliver,
Fellgiebel, Andreas
Objective: We investigated induction of α-secretase A disintegrin and metalloprotease 10 (ADAM10) by the synthetic retinoid acitretin (Neotigason; Actavis, München-Riem, Germany) in patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer disease (AD) via measurement of CSF content of α-secretase-derived amyloid precursor protein (APPs-α).; Methods: Twenty-one patients clinically diagnosed with mild to moderate AD received acitretin (30 mg […]
Influence of social support on cognitive change and mortality in old age: results from the prospective multicentre cohort study AgeCoDe
Eisele, Marion,
Zimmermann, Thomas,
Köhler, Mirjam,
Wiese, Birgitt,
Heser, Kathrin,
Tebarth, Franziska,
Weeg, Dagmar,
Olbrich, Julia,
Pentzek, Michael,
Fuchs, Angela,
Weyerer, Siegfried,
Werle, Jochen,
Leicht, Hanna,
König, Hans-Helmut,
Luppa, Melanie,
Riedel-Heller, Steffi,
Maier, Wolfgang,
Scherer, Martin
Background: Social support has been suggested to positively influence cognition and mortality in old age. However, this suggestion has been questioned due to inconsistent operationalisations of social support among studies and the small number of longitudinal studies available. This study aims to investigate the influence of perceived social support, understood as the emotional component of […]
The benefits of implementing a computerized intervention-management-system (IMS) on delivering integrated dementia care in the primary care setting
Eichler, Tilly,
Thyrian, Jochen René,
Fredrich, Daniel,
Kohler, Leonore,
Wucherer, Diana,
Michalowsky, Bernhard,
Dreier, Adina,
Hoffmann, Wolfgang
Background: A computerized Intervention-Management-System (IMS) has been developed and implemented to facilitate dementia care management. IMS is a rule-based expert decision support system that matches individual patient characteristics to a computerized knowledge base. One of the most important functionalities of IMS is to support the compilation of the individual intervention plan by systematically identifying unmet […]
Memantine for patients with Parkinson’s disease dementia or dementia with Lewy bodies: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
Emre, Murat,
Tsolaki, Magda,
Bonuccelli, Ubaldo,
Destée, Alain,
Tolosa, Eduardo,
Kutzelnigg, Alexandra,
Ceballos-Baumann, Andrés,
Zdravkovic, Slobodan,
Bladström, Anna,
Jones, Roy
Background: Previous studies have suggested that patients with Lewy-body-related dementias might benefit from treatment with the N-methyl D-aspartate receptor antagonist memantine, but further data are needed. Therefore, the efficacy and safety of memantine were investigated in patients with mild to moderate Parkinson’s disease dementia (PDD) or dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB).; Methods: Patients (≥50 years […]