This database contains 35 studies, archived under the term: "Other carer outcomes (e.g. financial burden and more)"
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Sustained use of CPAP slows deterioration of cognition, sleep, and mood in patients with Alzheimer’s disease and obstructive sleep apnea: a preliminary study
Cooke, Jana R.,
Ayalon, Liat,
Palmer, Barton W.,
Loredo, Jose S.,
Corey-Bloom, Jody,
Natarajan, Loki,
Liu, Lianqi,
Ancoli-Israel, Sonia
Introduction: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is common among patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Untreated OSA exacerbates the cognitive and functional deficits. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) has recently been shown to have beneficial effects on cognition in AD. Little attention has focused on the long-term benefits of CPAP in these patients.; Methods: This was an […]
The psychosocial impacts of multimedia biographies on persons with cognitive impairments
Purpose: The purpose of this feasibility pilot project was to observe Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and mild cognitive impairment (MCI) patients’ responses to personalized multimedia biographies (MBs). We developed a procedure for using digital video technology to construct DVD-based MBs of persons with AD or MCI, documented their responses to observing their MBs, and evaluated the […]
Outcomes of interventions for Alzheimer’s family caregivers in Mexico
The study examines which of three interventions of cognitive conduct, laughter, or a mixed intervention including both cognitive conduct and laughter components, is more effective for improvement of attitudes toward care and reduction of anxiety among female Mexican caregivers of family members with Alzheimer’s disease. A repeated measures quasi-experimental design with four groups, three experimental […]
Do nurse-led skill training interventions affect informal caregivers’ out-of-pocket expenditures?
Van Houtven, C. H.,
Thorpe, J. M.,
Chestnutt, D.,
Molloy, M.,
Boling, J. C.,
Davis, L. L.
Purpose Of the Study: This paper is a report of a study of the Assistance, Support, and Self-health Initiated through Skill Training (ASSIST) randomized control trial. The aim of this paper is to understand whether participating in ASSIST significantly changed the out-of-pocket (OOP) costs for family caregivers of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) or Parkinson’s disease (PD) […]
Influence of adherence to a systematic care program for caregivers of dementia patients
Spijker, Anouk,
Teerenstra, Steven,
Wollersheim, Hub,
Adang, Eddy,
Verhey, Frans,
Vernooij-Dassen, Myrra
Objective: To evaluate the influence of adherence to the Systematic Care Program for Dementia (SCPD) intervention protocol on patient and caregiver outcomes.; Design: Data were drawn from the SCPD study-a single-blind, multicenter, cluster-randomized, controlled trial. Multivariate regression analyses were used to assess the influence of adherence on patient and caregiver outcomes.; Setting: Six community mental health […]
A chronic grief intervention for dementia family caregivers in long-term care
Paun, O.,
Farran, C. J.,
Fogg, L.,
Loukissa, D.,
Thomas, P. E.,
Hoyem, R.
Dementia caregivers do not relinquish their role after placing family members in long-term care and they experience increased chronic grief. The Chronic Grief Management Intervention (CGMI) is a12-week group-based program that uses guided discussion to deliver knowledge of Alzheimer’s or a related dementia and teach skills in communication, conflict resolution, and chronic grief management in […]
A home-based training program improves caregivers’ skills and dementia patients’ aggressive behaviors: a randomized controlled trial
Huang, Huei-Ling,
Kuo, Li-Min,
Chen, Yu-Shu,
Liang, Jersey,
Huang, Hsiu-Li,
Chiu, Yi-Chen,
Chen, Sien-Tsong,
Sun, Yu,
Hsu, Wen-Chuin,
Shyu, Yea-Ing L.
Objective: To investigate the effects of an individualized, home-based caregiver-training program for caregivers of elderly patients with dementia and behavioral problems.; Methods: Using a randomized clinical trial in the neurologic clinics of two hospitals and a community care management center in northern Taiwan, we tested an individualized home-based caregiver-training program for managing behavioral problems, with […]