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This database contains 651 studies, archived under the term: "Cognition"

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Early detection of patients in the pre demented stage of Alzheimer’s disease: the Pre-Al Study

Objectives: The aim of the Pre-Al study is to evaluate and compare the predictive value of different tools for an early identification of Alzheimer’s disease.; Design and Participants: Patients coming for consultation to memory clinics without dementia were included if they had an objective memory or attention trouble assessed by a MMSE score > 25 […]

Exercise rehabilitation on home-dwelling patients with Alzheimer’s disease–a randomized, controlled trial. Study protocol

Background: Besides cognitive decline, Alzheimer’s disease (AD) leads to physical disability, need for help and permanent institutional care. The trials investigating effects of exercise rehabilitation on physical functioning of home-dwelling older dementia patients are still scarce. The aim of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of intensive exercise rehabilitation lasting for one year on […]

Preserving cognition, quality of life, physical health and functional ability in Alzheimer’s disease: the effect of physical exercise (ADEX trial): rationale and design

Background: Exercise is hypothesized to improve cognition, physical performance, functional ability and quality of life, but evidence is scarce. Previous studies were of short duration, often underpowered and involving home-based light exercise programs in patients with undefined dementia. The aim of the ADEX (‘Preserving Cognition, Quality of Life, Physical Health and Functional Ability in Alzheimer’s […]

Study of Mental Activity and Regular Training (SMART) in at risk individuals: a randomised double blind, sham controlled, longitudinal trial

Background: The extent to which mental and physical exercise may slow cognitive decline in adults with early signs of cognitive impairment is unknown. This article provides the rationale and methodology of the first trial to investigate the isolated and combined effects of cognitive training (CT) and progressive resistance training (PRT) on general cognitive function and […]

Cognitive activity for the treatment of older adults with mild Alzheimer’s disease (AD)–PACE AD: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

Background: Participation in cognitive stimulation therapy (CST) may reduce the rate of cognitive decline in people with Alzheimer’s disease (AD), however it is unclear if the training of carers to deliver activities is sufficient to improve the clinical outcome of patients. The Promoting Healthy Ageing with Cognitive Exercise for Alzheimer’s Disease (PACE-AD) study has been […]

Improvement in memory with plasticity-based adaptive cognitive training: results of the 3-month follow-up

Objectives: To investigate maintenance of training effects of a novel brain plasticity-based computerized cognitive training program in older adults after a 3-month no-contact period.; Design: Multisite, randomized, controlled, double-blind trial with two treatment groups.; Setting: Communities in northern and southern California and Minnesota.; Participants: Four hundred eighty-seven community-dwelling adults aged 65 and older without diagnosis […]

Influence of memory strategies on memory test performance: a study in healthy and pathological aging

The ability to generate memory strategies is a key factor in the performance of episodic memory tasks. Whether the ability to generate memory strategies exerts an influence in the performance of memory tests in the elderly population is still a matter of debate. Here we present results from an experimental memory task (Test of Memory […]

Potential benefits of reducing medication-related anticholinergic burden for demented older adults: a prospective cohort study

Aim: Medication-related anticholinergic burden is a quality indicator for geriatric pharmacotherapy; however, little is known regarding the benefits of reducing anticholinergic burden for demented patients; Methods: Demented residents in a Veteran Home were enrolled for this study and an educational program was held for primary care physicians providing services at the Veterans Home. Residents were […]

Variety in fruit and vegetable intake and cognitive function in middle-aged and older Puerto Rican adults

Higher variety in fruit and vegetable intake has been associated with a lower risk of several chronic diseases. It remains unclear whether such associations exist relating to cognition. The authors examined associations between total quantity and variety in fruit and vegetable intake and cognitive function in a cross-sectional sample of 1412 Puerto Rican adults, aged […]

Concentration of donepezil to the cognitive response in Alzheimer disease

Background: Donepezil has been approved, and higher dosages are recommended for the treatment of Alzheimer disease (AD). However, a few studies have reported different cognitive responses in patients with AD treated with donepezil without measuring the concentration.; Methods: We evaluated the relationships between the therapeutic responses and plasma concentrations of donepezil in various cognitive domains […]

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