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This database contains 523 studies, archived under the term: "Alzheimer’s Disease"

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Long-term outcome and prediction models of activities of daily living in Alzheimer disease with cholinesterase inhibitor treatment

In untreated patients with Alzheimer disease (AD) the functional ability is gradually lost. What happens to the patients after continuous long-term cholinesterase inhibitor (ChEI) treatment is less investigated. The objective of this study was to describe the longitudinal functional outcome and analyze factors affecting the outcome in ChEI-treated patients. In an open, 3-year, nonrandomized, prospective, […]

Efficacy of Souvenaid in mild Alzheimer’s disease: results from a randomized, controlled trial

Souvenaid aims to improve synapse formation and function. An earlier study in patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) showed that Souvenaid increased memory performance after 12 weeks in drug-naïve patients with mild AD. The Souvenir II study was a 24-week, randomized, controlled, double-blind, parallel-group, multi-country trial to confirm and extend previous findings in drug-naïve patients with […]

Healing gardens and cognitive behavioral units in the management of Alzheimer’s disease patients: the Nancy experience

The French Alzheimer Plan 2008-2012 anticipates the implementation of new Units specialized in cognitive rehabilitation and psycho-behavioral therapy of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients. Conceived for AD and other dementia patients of all ages, their objectives are to propose a cognitive rehabilitation program, to prevent or treat psycho-behavioral crises, and to provide support and educational therapy […]

BAC 40 battery: a tool of cognitive evaluation for the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease at the specialist office

BAC 40 is a “composite” battery of psychometric tests useful for the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s dementia. It was elaborated using the modified Mini-Mental Status (MMS). The advantage is to establish a diagnosis in less than 20 minutes, exploring all the sectors of cognitive life. This tool was validated in a control population of 103 aged […]

Validation of AclarusDx™, a blood-based transcriptomic signature for the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease

Biomarkers have gained an increased importance in the past years in helping physicians to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease (AD). This study was designed to identify a blood-based, transcriptomic signature that can differentiate AD patients from control subjects. The performance of the signature was then evaluated for robustness in an independent blinded sample population. RNA was extracted […]

Increased CSF APPs-α levels in patients with Alzheimer disease treated with acitretin

Objective: We investigated induction of α-secretase A disintegrin and metalloprotease 10 (ADAM10) by the synthetic retinoid acitretin (Neotigason; Actavis, München-Riem, Germany) in patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer disease (AD) via measurement of CSF content of α-secretase-derived amyloid precursor protein (APPs-α).; Methods: Twenty-one patients clinically diagnosed with mild to moderate AD received acitretin (30 mg […]

Designing a trial to evaluate potential treatments for apathy in dementia: the apathy in dementia methylphenidate trial (ADMET)

Background: Research on efficacious treatments for apathy in Alzheimer disease has been hindered by a lack of consensus diagnosis, difficulties in measurement, and studies with small sample sizes.; Methods: In designing the Apathy in Dementia Methylphenidate Trial (ADMET), a trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of methylphenidate for the treatment of apathy in Alzheimer […]

Acetyl-L-carnitine (carnicetine) in the treatment of early stages of Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia

Efficacy, safety and tolerability of acetyl-L-carnitine (ALC) were studied during the double-blind placebo-controlled 12-week trial in patients with mild (initial) dementia caused by the Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and vascular dementia (VD). ALC was administered in doses from 2250 to 3000 mg per day. Patient’s state was assessed with some scales (MMSE, CGI etc) and a […]

Efficacy of cognitive training programs based on new software technologies in patients with Alzheimer-type dementia

The study aims to assess the efficacy of the Big Brain Academy (BBA), a computerized cognitive training program (CT) based on video games, compared to the Integrated Psychostimulation Program (IPP), a classical CT tool for patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). A total of 45 patients with AD at the mild stage were randomly assigned to […]

Effects of donepezil treatment on platelets α and β secretase activities in Alzheimer’s disease patients

Objective: To explore the effects of donepezil on the activities of platelet α and β secretases in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients.; Methods: During the period of 2007 – 2010, a total of 76 AD patients received either regular treatment alone or in combination with donepezil (5 mg/d) for a 12-week period. And their effects on […]

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