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Working memory capacity and its relation to stroop interference and facilitation effects in individuals with mild cognitive impairment


Sung, Jee Eun, Kim, Jin Hee, Jeong, Jee Hyang, Kang, Heejin


American Journal Of Speech-Language Pathology / American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Volume: 21, No.: 2, Pages.: S166-S178

Year of Publication



Purpose: The purposes of the study were to investigate (a) the task-specific differences in short-term memory (STM) and working memory capacity (WMC) in individuals with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and normal elderly adults (NEAs), (b) the Stroop interference and facilitation effects, and (c) the relationship of STM and WMC to the Stroop effects.; Method: Thirty-two individuals participated in the study (n = 16 for each group). WMC demands were increased using a computerized Stroop-like token task to add more linguistic units. Six STM and WMC measures were administered overall.; Results: Digit-related tasks and an alphabet span task sensitively differentiated individuals with MCI from the NEA group. The group with MCI exhibited greater Stroop interference effects than the NEA group, but the 2 groups did not exhibit different Stroop facilitation effects. WMC significantly predicted performance on the response time analyses but not on the error rate analyses.; Conclusion: Task-specific differences emerged in the group with MCI, and a reduced WMC accounts for the impaired inhibitory and goal maintenance processes. It is critical that WMC demands be systematically manipulated to tax individuals’ WMC in a way that can clearly demonstrate their deficits, especially in individuals who are at risk for clinically demented states.;

Bibtex Citation

@article{Sung_2012, doi = {10.1044/1058-0360(2012/11-0101)}, url = {}, year = 2012, month = {may}, publisher = {American Speech Language Hearing Association}, volume = {21}, number = {2}, pages = {S166}, author = {Jee Eun Sung and Jin Hee Kim and Jee Hyang Jeong and Heejin Kang}, title = {Working Memory Capacity and Its Relation to Stroop Interference and Facilitation Effects in Individuals With Mild Cognitive Impairment}, journal = {American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology} }


aged, aged, 80 and over, aging, cognition, diagnosis, diagnosis, differential, female, humans, linguistics, male, memory shortterm, methods, middle aged, mild cognitive impairment, photic stimulation, physiology, physiopathology, sensitivity and specificity, speechlanguage pathology, stroop test

Types of Dementia

Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)

Types of Study


Type of Outcomes


Type of Interventions

Diagnostic Target Identification

Diagnostic Targets

Cognition testing (inc. task driven tests such as clock drawing)