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Die Untersuchung psychosozialer Wirkungen tiergestützter Intervention bei dementen Menschen in stationären Einrichtungen. = Investigating the psychosocial effects of animal-assisted intervention on nursing home patients with dementia


Beckmann, Antje


Verhaltenstherapie & Psychosoziale Praxis, Volume: 42, No.: 1, Pages.: 69-85

Year of Publication



It has already been established that animals can positively influence human quality of life and well-being in various ways (see Nestmann, 2005). This longitudinal field study, ‘Animals at the Johanniter-Stift Nursing Home’, is the first to investigate the effects of animal-assisted activities on the quality of life and well-being of elderly nursing home patients with dementia. In order to systematically establish the extent to which various forms of regular contact with animals can benefit such patients, psychological and social changes in patients with and without contact to animals were examined at three intervals over a three-year period, using research instruments such as non-participant observation (MTU) and questionnaires completed by nursing staff (FSAK; NPI). These questionnaires asked staff to evaluate patients’ levels of independence in performing everyday tasks and ability to communicate, as well as any unusual behaviour they displayed as a result of dementia. The study demonstrates that elderly dementia sufferers with regular contact to animals tend to show greater agility, independence, strength of social network and communication abilities compared to those without contact to animals. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2014 APA, all rights reserved). (journal abstract)


animal assisted therapy, animalassisted intervention, animals, dementia, interspecies interaction, intervention, nursing home patients, nursing homes, patients, psychological changes, psychosocial effects, psychosocial factors, quality of life, social changes, well being

Countries of Study


Types of Dementia

Dementia (general / unspecified)

Types of Study

Case Control Study

Type of Outcomes

ADLs/IADLs, Behaviour


Nursing Homes

Type of Interventions

Non-pharmacological Treatment

Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions

Animal / Pet Therapy