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Assessment of cognition in mild cognitive impairment: a comparative study


Snyder, Peter J., Jackson, Colleen E., Petersen, Ronald C., Khachaturian, Ara S., Kaye, Jeffrey, Albert, Marilyn S., Weintraub, Sandra


Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal Of The Alzheimer's Association, Volume: 7, No.: 3, Pages.: 338-355

Year of Publication



The demand for rapidly administered, sensitive, and reliable cognitive assessments that are specifically designed for identifying individuals in the earliest stages of cognitive decline (and to measure subtle change over time) has escalated as the emphasis in Alzheimer’s disease clinical research has shifted from clinical diagnosis and treatment toward the goal of developing presymptomatic neuroprotective therapies. To meet these changing clinical requirements, cognitive measures or tailored batteries of tests must be validated and determined to be fit-for-use for the discrimination between cognitively healthy individuals and persons who are experiencing very subtle cognitive changes that likely signal the emergence of early mild cognitive impairment. We sought to collect and review data systematically from a wide variety of (mostly computer-administered) cognitive measures, all of which are currently marketed or distributed with the claims that these instruments are sensitive and reliable for the early identification of disease or, if untested for this purpose, are promising tools based on other variables. The survey responses for 16 measures/batteries are presented in brief in this review; full survey responses and summary tables are archived and publicly available on the Campaign to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease by 2020 Web site ( A decision tree diagram highlighting critical decision points for selecting measures to meet varying clinical trials requirements has also been provided. Ultimately, the survey questionnaire, framework, and decision guidelines provided in this review should remain as useful aids for the evaluation of any new or updated sets of instruments in the years to come.; Copyright © 2011 The Alzheimer’s Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Bibtex Citation

@article{Snyder_2011, doi = {10.1016/j.jalz.2011.03.009}, url = {}, year = 2011, month = {may}, publisher = {Elsevier {BV}}, volume = {7}, number = {3}, pages = {338--355}, author = {Peter J. Snyder and Colleen E. Jackson and Ronald C. Petersen and Ara S. Khachaturian and Jeffrey Kaye and Marilyn S. Albert and Sandra Weintraub}, title = {Assessment of cognition in mild cognitive impairment: A comparative study}, journal = {Alzheimer{textquotesingle}s {&} Dementia} }


aged, alzheimer disease, clinical trials as topic, cognition, cognition disorders, diagnosis, humans, methods, mild cognitive impairment, neuropsychological tests, physiology, physiopathology, practice guidelines as topic, psychology, standards

Countries of Study


Types of Dementia

Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)

Types of Study

Instrument development and testing (cross walking of measures, etc.), Survey

Type of Outcomes


Type of Interventions

Diagnostic Target Identification

Diagnostic Targets

Cognition testing (inc. task driven tests such as clock drawing)