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This database contains 5 studies, archived under the term: "adverse effects"

Treatment with Huperzine A improves cognition in vascular dementia patients

Unlabelled: In the present study, we tested the efficacy and safety of Huperzine A in treatment of mild to moderate vascular dementia (VaD). This was a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study with 78 patients with mild to moderate VaD. The participants were randomized to receive either vitamin C (100-mg bid) as placebo (n = 39) or […]

Transcendental Meditation for the improvement of health and wellbeing in community-dwelling dementia caregivers TRANSCENDENT: a randomised wait-list controlled trial

BACKGROUND: Dementia is a prevalent neurodegenerative disorder affecting an estimated 24.3 million people across the globe. The burden on those caring for people with dementia is substantial, with widespread implications for the caregiver, the care recipient and the community. Relaxation techniques, such as Transcendental Meditation(R) (TM), have been shown to reduce stress and anxiety in […]

Preventing loss of independence through exercise (PLIE): a pilot clinical trial in older adults with dementia

BACKGROUND: Current dementia medications have small effect sizes, many adverse effects and do not change the disease course. Therefore, it is critically important to study alternative treatment strategies. The goal of this study was to pilot-test a novel, integrative group exercise program for individuals with mild-to-moderate dementia called Preventing Loss of Independence through Exercise (PLIE), […]

Clinical effects of high oral dose of donepezil for patients with Alzheimer’s disease in Japan

Background: Donepezil 10 mg/day gained approval in Japan in August 2007 for the treatment of cognitive dysfunction in advanced Alzheimer’s disease.; Methods: We evaluated the efficacy and adverse effects of donepezil when the dose was increased to 10 mg/day in 61 Japanese patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Cognitive function was evaluated using the Revised Hasegawa Dementia […]

Randomized controlled trial of atomoxetine for cognitive dysfunction in early Huntington disease

Background: Cognitive symptoms are associated with functional disability in Huntington disease; yet, few controlled trials have examined cognitive treatments that could improve patient independence and quality of life. Atomoxetine is a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor approved for treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.; Methods: Twenty participants with mild Huntington disease who complained of inattention were randomized to receive […]

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