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This database contains 2 studies, archived under the term: "adults"

Galantamine versus risperidone treatment of neuropsychiatric symptoms in patients with probable dementia: an open randomized trial

Objective: To examine the effects of galantamine and risperidone on neuropsychiatric symptoms in dementia (NPSD) and global function.; Methods: Using a randomized, controlled and open-blind, one-center trial at an in- and outpatient clinic at a university hospital, we studied 100 adults with probable dementia and NPSD. Participants received galantamine (N = 50, target dose 24 mg) […]

Long-acting intranasal insulin detemir improves cognition for adults with mild cognitive impairment or early-stage Alzheimer’s disease dementia

[Correction Notice: An Erratum for this article was reported in Vol 45(4) of Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease (see record [rid]2015-17286-023[/rid]). In the original article, Tables 1 and 2 were missing. Tables 1 and 2 are present in the erratum.] Previous trials have shown promising effects of intranasally administered insulin for adults with Alzheimer’s disease dementia […]

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