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This database contains 4 studies, archived under the term: "added value"

Effectiveness of Physio Acoustic Sound (PAS) therapy in demented nursing home residents with nocturnal restlessness: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Background: Many older people with neuropsychiatric disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease and frontotemporal dementia suffer from sleeping problems and often show nocturnal restlessness. Professionals and informal carers face considerable problems in solving these problems. Attempts to diminish these problems with medication in a safe and responsible manner have proven hardly effective or not effective at […]

Does theatre improve the quality of life of people with dementia?

Background: A new communication method, the “Veder method”, has recently been developed. Caregivers are trained to apply this method in a group activity (“living-room theatre activity”) for people with dementia in which theatrical stimuli are used in combination with proven emotion-oriented care methods. The aim of this exploratory study was to evaluate the added value […]

V-TIME: a treadmill training program augmented by virtual reality to decrease fall risk in older adults: study design of a randomized controlled trial

Background: Recent work has demonstrated that fall risk can be attributed to cognitive as well as motor deficits. Indeed, everyday walking in complex environments utilizes executive function, dual tasking, planning and scanning, all while walking forward. Pilot studies suggest that a multi-modal intervention that combines treadmill training to target motor function and a virtual reality […]

The Danish Alzheimer intervention study: rationale, study design and baseline characteristics of the cohort

Background: There is a lack of appropriately designed trials investigating the efficacy of psychosocial interventions for patients with mild dementia and their family caregivers. This paper reports the rationale and design of the Danish Alzheimer Disease Intervention Study and baseline characteristics of the cohort.; Methods: The study was a 1-year multicentre randomized controlled rater-blinded trial […]

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